Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 46 through 59 (of 59 total)

  • RE: How to run a fast querie from a HUGE Database

    I'm getting "TIME OUT EXPIRED" when I try to run with Between

  • RE: TOP 10

    Vessel = siteid

    means by ship (boat)

  • RE: How to run a fast querie from a HUGE Database

    well this is my statement:

    I don't have any indexes it's already ordered by date:

    Select SITEID,SUM(SECONDS/60) as total_minutes from oldbill01 where (CALLID='"&MCALLID&"') and ((convert(datetime,convert(varchar(12),callwhen))) >= '"&date_from&"' and (convert(datetime,convert(varchar(12),callwhen))) <= '"&date_to&"') group...

  • RE: DTS works but schedule JOB don't

    The Agent is running under my name/password and i have administrator rights on that server

  • RE: DTS works but schedule JOB don't

    It's a SQL 2000 and the ODBC reside on the server and If I run manually, works fine

    but the job dont work at all.

  • RE: transaction LOG size

    That one works very well

    thank you very much

  • RE: transaction LOG size

    It is SQL 2000 and I did go in EM and right click the database, select tasks, select shrink database and then in advance on that specify a size to...

  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    Hey Robert

    thank you my friend, this one work very good

    and only take 01 minut and 30 seconds to run over 3million records...

    Thank you very very much


  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    I really apprecciate your help guys but it's not working.

    the query with the cursor don't work at all

    give a bunch of errors

    the commom error is

    Subquery returned more than 1 value....

  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    well...I tried this one

    SELECT DISTINCT siteid,callid,


    WHEN (SELECT siteid FROM billable_transactions where callid = 'Crew' AND siteid='') IS NULL THEN 'Crew No...

  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    well...thanks but not work good

    what I need is something like that

    select distinct siteid,callid from billable_transactions where (callid='Pax' or Callid='Crew' or callid='Admin')

    and siteid='AMSTERDAM'

    this query returns


  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    They are varchar but I don't have NULL for those ( can be null )but if don't have trafic don't have record, I need select all that don't have record...

  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    well, table has alot of fields like

    Passenger calls . fieldname = Pax

    Crew Calls . fieldname = Crew

    Admin Calls . fieldname = Admin

    Vessel Name

    Cruise Line Name

    I need select by those...

  • RE: Select "No DATA"

    Well the result of the querie got be that way

    Vessel1 Pax = 0

    Vessel1 Admin = 0

    Vessel1 Crew = 0

    and so far for each vessel

    Because they want to know wich...

Viewing 14 posts - 46 through 59 (of 59 total)