Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)

  • RE: Logshipping failure

    am not seeing any specific error. on restore job history, it says step failed. 🙁

  • RE: Can cursor avoided here?

    Thanks Lutz.. I will let you know once it gets changed and the impact..

  • RE: Query slow

    Thanks a lot Lutz...I just modified query and it executes like a champ...

  • RE: Query slow

    Thanks..lets see how it would take some time to go thru processes to have this NCI...

  • RE: Query slow

    here goes the DDL..Only CI on PK exists..

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Temp](

    [GUID] [char](36) NOT NULL,

    [fk_InventoryID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranType] [int] NOT NULL,

    [Amount] [money] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_TempAmount] DEFAULT (0),

    [TimeStamp] [datetime] NOT NULL,


  • RE: where current of?

    Thanks Cory.

  • RE: Slow running proc...

    Thanks Lutz..I will work on them as you advised...

  • RE: Slow running proc...

    CirquedeSQLeil --- Got any clues on this?

    have a great weekend...


  • RE: Slow running proc...

    Thanks for immediate resposne.. Its being called in side a huge procedure..being called inside a cursor as below.

    IF dbo.CheckDayMatch(@ViewDate, @SessionFrequency) = 1

    Below is the procedure ,from where the...

  • RE: How do I get one row in a result set from 2 rows in parent table without using cursors.

    check if this is what yo are looking for result set1

    if object_id('tb1') is not null

    drop table tb1

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tb1](

    [trade] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [leg] [varchar](10) NULL, -----say it is my Unique key

    [ccy] [varchar](10)...

  • RE: Create #Temp Table using While Loop Instead of Cursor

    check if you are looking something like below....if not, post table defintions ,sample data and expected results to get faster and accurate responses.

    if object_id('tempdb..#test123') is not null

    drop table #test123

    SELECT id1...

  • RE: Avoid cursor....

    Jeff / Jvanderberg...Thanks a lot for your explantions...

  • RE: Avoid cursor....

    No luck with your code..can you please generate the code which was mentioned in my first mail with your logic...

  • RE: Avoid cursor....

    Thanks for the reply. But this wont solve my work as my code is filtering databases in where clause while selecting the cursor..

    declare CURSOR FOR SELECT [name]


  • RE: Help with SQL Coding

    With the given information, it would be difficult to provide tested code , but check if following works..

    --Change Below code

    --IF @temp = App_ID --This is the part giving error.



Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)