Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

  • RE: Stored Procs - slow on first run each day

    It's hard to say without more information, but here's an article I found very useful when I ran into similar problems that did turn out to be an issue with...

  • RE: nvarchar column length...

    You're seeing the length in bytes. Each NVARCHAR character takes up two bytes of storage.

  • RE: Sequence creation


    Ah, you're so right. I see it now. My mistake.

  • RE: Sequence creation











    What would be the next value in the sequence?

  • RE: Sequence creation

    Jeff Moden (9/8/2011)

    Fine... I don't like your implication. 😉

    Fair enough.:-P

  • RE: Restoring Keyboard shortcuts

    Theo Spears (9/8/2011)...

    If you don't wish to do this, there is an SSMS config file you can delete that will reset your keyboard shortcuts. I can't remember the details off...

  • RE: Sequence creation

    I've got it! Exclude vowels from the sequences you generate. That way the only people you might offend are the Welsh.

  • RE: Sequence creation

    Jeff Moden (9/8/2011)

    notoriousdba (9/8/2011)

    References, or it didn't happen.

    I AM the reference! 😉 Do it your way and embarass your company and possibly get sued for offending someone's sensibilities. ...

  • RE: Sequence creation

    Gianluca Sartori (9/8/2011)

    Jeff Moden (9/8/2011)

    I AM the reference!

    Notorious, don't know about you, this is more than enough for me! 😉


  • RE: Sequence creation

    Jeff Moden (9/7/2011)

    notoriousdba (9/7/2011)

    I'd take Lowell's approach, though if the logic for converting the value in the identity column to the alpha-numeric value you want is non-trivial, you can easily...

  • RE: Sequence creation

    I'd take Lowell's approach, though if the logic for converting the value in the identity column to the alpha-numeric value you want is non-trivial, you can easily abstract it to...

  • RE: union all and ordering the data


    Maybe you haven't been in this game long enough to know who Joe Celko is. Not for nothing, but if he talks, you should listen.

  • RE: Modelling Person Relationships

    To constrain relationships the way you want, you could create an xref between relationship types and roles, defining which combinations were valid, then FK the Party Relationship table to the...

  • RE: joining 3 tables not getting valid resultset

    It seems to me you're only looking at data in two tables. Try this on for size:

    SELECT a.JobReqID, a.JobReqCode, a.DateAdded, COUNT(DISTINCT c.CandidateID) AS SelectedCandidates

    FROM RecruitmentDB.dbo.JobRequisition a


  • RE: Lookup Table

    I second that. Also, I'd recommend adding a flag to all of your lookup tables to allow entries to be marked as obsolete.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)