Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 3,061 total)

  • RE: Stored procedure really slow..Sugestions?

    Trace it, see where time is spent.

  • RE: Table partition sql 2008 partion key include on cluster index

    sql.lanka (7/22/2013)

    Thanks for your reply,but if all the data in single file vs splitting data in file groups by portioning which is better ? this is the reason i choose...

  • RE: Table partition sql 2008 partion key include on cluster index

    sql.lanka (7/22/2013)

    Total record count :54812769

    Colc --- date column

    purging will be monthly

    partition we considered for performance obtain

    if ColC is the date column used for purging purposes and there is...

  • RE: Table partition sql 2008 partion key include on cluster index

    sql.lanka (7/22/2013)

    I am new for table partition so please help me to choose right key for cluster index.


    Table (colA,colB,colc,.....)

    Colc : my partition function is on colc (which is not unique)


  • RE: How to handle dynamic fields

    chrisn-585491 (7/18/2013)

    I'm not sure if I'm using the right terms, but I was wondering the proper way to design a database/application where the application needs to create additional attribute...

  • RE: Not your usual documentation question

    There are several tools in the market that can build (and monitor) an inventory of "what is out there" but, when it comes about "who is the owner", "what application...

  • RE: Extend or migrate a Fact Table?

    Paul Hernández (7/22/2013)

    Hi Folks,

    I`m facing a Situation, in which the reference data of our data warehouse is changing.

    Basically a new System is implemented by our external Provider and there...

  • RE: Where to start

    mbender (7/22/2013)

    I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in a direction, even if its pointing me to a different forum.

    What i'm looking for is how to get started...

  • RE: Is it Better to use Multiple DB than Single DB?

    unnikozhissery (7/10/2013)

    In need to design an Enterprise level solution which will contain around 8 modules (such as Accounting, Human Resource, Inventory, Purchases etc). It will be a portal with single...

  • RE: Linked server querying error

    rayan98 (1/17/2013)

    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

    Oracle error ORA-03113 means that either the query has timed out or a network glitch has happened - since query is taking 25 minutes (or...

  • RE: attach all dbs in a folder

    GrassHopper (7/8/2013)

    I had to reinstall SQL server 2008 back on a server and have about 30 db's in a directory that need reattaching. Does anyone have a routine or...

  • RE: Suggestions about ERD needed

    Methew (7/8/2013)

    I know Normalization is good for big projects...

    That is plain wrong. For an OLTP system or an Inmon style Data Warehouse normalization is a must. Period.

    What happens...

  • RE: Using snapshots for reporting on historical data?

    DataAnalyst011 (7/2/2013)

    I've been using timestamps and status dates on tables to do historical reporting (e.g. today last year, quarter over quarter, etc). But I've been thinking that using snapshots might...

  • RE: Difference between Cluster and Index

    Firstly, a "cluster" is a very different animal.

    Having said that, this question is about "clustered indexes" and "non-clustered indexes".

    A clustered index is phisically a part of the target table, rows...

  • RE: Create Fact table or Dimension table?

    BlackGarlic (7/3/2013)

    Thanks for your response.

    Yes. Original Fact visit still hold some information. Problem is, new facts I am trying to bringing in have different granularity.

    For each visit, patient could...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 3,061 total)