Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Objects per filegroup?

    guess I was clearer in my head than on paper. I like to query say 'sysobjects' or some system table and get a list displaying tablename and associated filegroup.

  • RE: Objects per filegroup?

    Just stumbled upon DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP

    gives too much information

  • RE: How to prevent a rollback?

    The number of rows does not change at this stage, I need to score a complete universe. What does change is I pull a subset of the columns (50-70%) and...

  • RE: How to prevent a rollback?

    Thanks for the suggestion, but at 150mln rows by a couple hundred columns it is less practical.

    Would A CLR + .NET allow some type of batching, or setting of "batch...

  • RE: How to prevent a rollback?

    Thanks Steve!

    I looked into batch type jobs (see below) but that approach takes me from ~20hrs of processing time to 3-4 days of processing time. Increased processing time, will...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)