Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Error 80004005

    Hi Preethi:

    you have to type full absolute path. like \\ApplicationDevelopment\Ram\Elib_cmf_feed.mdb.

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 Encryption

    As far as I know, there is no column level encryption ot data encryption in sql server 2000. In sql server 2005 you can do column level encryption. You can...

  • RE: Moving SQL 2K db to new SQK 2K Svr

    go to security-> logins.

    select username. right click -> properties

    and then select the database and the grant the database access . You  can do that now.


  • RE: Moving SQL 2K db to new SQK 2K Svr

    in query analyzer

    use <databasename>


    exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_one','Username' ,'username'


    Then go and grant the database access. You will be able to do.

  • RE: Nested case statements

    Thanks, I solved my problem

  • RE: SQL 2005 diagram


    I got the same issue. I resolved in this way.

    Change the compatability level to sql server 2005(90)

    Now you can create database diagram



  • RE: Snapshot Replication for ArcSde

    Atlast I found out the solution and successfully replicated the sde data

  • RE: dts

    would you please explain how to set dynamic names task in sql server 2000


  • RE: How to Combine two different backup

    generate the sql script for the main database and run that script in current database query analyzer. So , you can create the all table structures of main  under the...

  • RE: How to Combine two different backup

    Instead of restoring the main database to the current one, try to export all the data from the main to current one. So that you can have the both databases

  • RE: SQL Query Needed

    I assume RRn values only will be differed and remaining columns have same values in the duplicate rows. In that case write Sql statement like this

    select max(RRN) as RRN, ProductID,...

  • RE: Truncate Log File

    For the first time

    back up <logfile_name> with_truncate only.

    After  that, issue the dbcc shrinkfile command.

    After that set the database maintenance plan to take back up of transaction logs every...

  • RE: Comparing and updating data in two tables from different DBs

    In DTS designer, create source database and target database.

    create execute sql task in dts designer. In that, write update statement as philcart mentioned. Create "on success" workflow from source to...

  • RE: DTS for updating and inserting rows from MS-Access to sql server.

    How do I make connections from source to target. What transformations do i have to specify.(Copy column, Activex script.) If Activex Script How to write it. Because I am new...

  • RE: Job History

     You may ask to write report on your server and don't check  delete old files in that report. You can have the all job history

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)