Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 110 total)

  • RE: Question of the Day for 27 Jul 2004

    Look carefully at how SQL works and try the following

    CREATE Table #Table1 (Field1 integer, Field2 integer)

    Insert Into #Table1

    Select 1,1

    UNION Select 9,2

    UNION Select 17,3

    UNION Select 4,4

    UNION Select 23,5

    UNION Select 2,6

    UNION Select...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 27 Jul 2004

    Add the 'order by' column to the end of each select (i.e., display the field myiT.Unique_ID) and see what happens.

    It appears that because the second query is using an alias...

  • RE: New SQL Server Editor / IDE

    We can dream, lol!

  • RE: DTS scheduled job fails on VFP 7 table. Runs fine in SEM

    Hmm, I tried simulating this over the weekend, and with one exception, got a working model.  the difference is that I use the System/User DNS connections rather than File DNS...

  • RE: DTS scheduled job fails on VFP 7 table. Runs fine in SEM

    I'm having to rack my brains on this one as we had the same problem, but in reverse, exporting to a VFP 6 table.

    Two things to try.

    1) If you are...

  • RE: Backup and Restore SQL 2000

    We had some problems with the restore to a point in time at first.  When you specify the date and time, ensure you use the format yyyymmdd elsewise SQL can...

  • RE: PDF Caching Problems

    Many thanks for pointing out the obvious that I'd overlooked!

    I do this with Visual Basic, creating and templating forms, so why on earth...

  • RE: PDF Caching Problems

    The problem of blank pages is down to layout.  this took me some time to work out myself.  The report is somehow going beyond the width of an A4 page,...

  • RE: Deployment Problems

    Solved it!

    For some reason it was due to the anti-virus software being enabled when we installed the product.  Even disabling the anti-virus after the install didn't work.

  • RE: backup with Arcserve

    We also use Arcserve to run the company backups.

    It will not backup open files, and as you said, you would have to stop SQL in order to back them up,...

  • RE: Reports are soo slooooowww

    :unsureoh 'ere

    Just come across something which is a little worrying.

    When a PDF decides to say OPEN/SAVE everything appears...

  • RE: Reports are soo slooooowww

    Nope, no solution yet

    I suspect it's something to do with the way the reporting services deliver the PDF! If I create a page...

  • RE: Reports are soo slooooowww

    Just spotted something.

    There I was, happily pulling my hair out trying to get a report NOT to flow over 3 pages wide, happily clicking on the 'OPEN' button to view...

  • RE: Reports are soo slooooowww

    We've tried this, in fact have adopted it.  I presume that you are referring to the rs:Format=PDF URL command.

    If we link directly ro a PDF document then Acrobat reader is...

  • RE: Reports are soo slooooowww

    Quite frankly, I don't think they are going to be given the choice.  We can't afford the downtime that Crystal has been giving us, and the environment here changes that...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 110 total)