Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 211 through 221 (of 221 total)

  • RE: Auto Save / Auto recover in Management Studio?

    In a bizarre twist of fate Management Studio decided to die around 30mins after this post, and then created the 'backup' folder in the location mentioned in the post above,...

  • RE: SELECT against Table or View

    I work in an environment where tables are the main thing I query against, sometimes I query against views, but rarely.

    My colleagues (more experiences in SQL than me, and the...

  • RE: SELECT * and subtract a couple of fields?!

    SQLZ (4/2/2008)

    There's an even neater trick in Management Studio.

    Expand the table, select the Columns folder and drag it into the query window - all columns are added in a comma-seperated...

  • RE: SELECT * and subtract a couple of fields?!

    GSquared (4/2/2008)

    Trader Sam (4/2/2008)

    If I need a 'select' that has a lot of columns, I'll script out the source table 'create', then manually edit out the extra stuff.


  • RE: SELECT * and subtract a couple of fields?!

    I've just taken Cees Cappelle's code, and modified it, that seems to do what I want 🙂

    I'll be keeping that handy along with some other useful bits and bobs 😀


  • RE: SELECT * and subtract a couple of fields?!

    Ah, ok cool, ill get out of the habit of doing it then :p

    As I said, it is not something I do that regularly anyway so no biggie.


  • RE: SELECT * and subtract a couple of fields?!

    I don't tend to use * very often to be honest, as its rare I need everything in a table, however, why is it so bad to select everything in...

  • RE: in and not in question

    Thanks Adam, it's really cool to see the different ways of tackling this problem, before seeing your post I was using the is not null as part of my sub...

  • RE: management studio interface - colour for connections?!

    Thanks for the reply GSquared, I may give it a trial at some point, however, I doubt those with the purse strings will go for it!

  • RE: in and not in question

    Thanks Piotr Rodak - I tried the example you posted and it makes perfect sense to me now.

    Seems odd that it works fine with 'in' but doesn't with 'not...

  • RE: in and not in question

    I tried that previously I seem to recall, and it didn't work - for the record I tried again:

    SELECT * from tblfirm f

    Where f.firm_id not in (select a.firm_id from tbladvisor...

Viewing 11 posts - 211 through 221 (of 221 total)