Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 110 total)

  • RE: displaying the rows

    OOPS!!  Sorry, it is basically a repeat of what Jeff had above.

  • RE: MCITP SQL2005 Cert Problem

    At the risk of being a contrarian, I see no value in expiring existing certifications.  I think the certifications should merely be version specific.  I'd challenge any recent SQL 2005...

  • RE: displaying the rows

    It would appear that a simple query like this would solve the problem far more efficiently:



       MAX (CASE PropertyName WHEN 'FirstName' THEN PropertyValue END) AS FirstName,

       MAX (CASE PropertyName WHEN 'LastName'...

  • RE: need help to make a SP

    As Mohammed wrote, just replace your "dateadd(hh,Datediff(hh,0,TransactionDate),0)" with "datepart (hh, TransactionDate)" in both the SELECT and GROUP BY parts of your query.

  • RE: Need help with triggers (I think)

    Do you really need to have it in another table?  Rather than have redundant data, why not just define a view on the two tables you have no control over,...

  • RE: Subscription expired and dropped even though data is pending for merge replication

    No, there is no adverse impact other than never dropping a subscription. It sounds like this is exactly what you want. You are right that there are two...

  • RE: Scheduling the replication job agents


    Are you saying that you have transactional replication from the publishers to ShareDB, and then snapshot replication from ShareDB to the subscribers?

    It sounds like you want to trigger a snapshot...

  • RE: How can Replicate Between Ms SQL 2005 to MYSQL

    The problem you are describing with SQL 2000 replication sounds like the one that was fixed in Service Pack 4.

  • RE: migrating the distribution database

    Generating the drop and add scripts is simple, merely right-click in Enterprise Manager on the replication publication in question and select Generate SQL Script....  You can use the included Preview...

  • RE: Size of a replicated DB

    To prevent the log file from getting huge again, either set the database recovery model to Simple or schedule regular Transaction Log Backups.

  • RE: Subscription expired and dropped even though data is pending for merge replication


    The Redmond guys did not miss a step.  The expiration parameter indicates how long to wait for a subscriber to get data before the subscriber is dropped.  If it were...

  • RE: Move model database on SQL Server 7.0

    Customer request to move all databases off C drive to a large RAID array (E drive).  I've already passed word to customer that in all likelihood this will stay where it is, since it...

  • RE: tracing deadlock issue

    Have you tried setting the trace flags per Colin's 6/7/2006 post?  This will tell you exactly what is deadlocking. 

    As for why the rate of deadlocking changes, a contributor besides disk bandwidth...

  • RE: RAISERROR datetime parameters, error in 2005, not 2000

    Interesting, because it works perfectly in SQL 2000 and SQL 7. 

    The only thing in my 2000 & 2005 BOL on data type precedence is in reference to combining different data...

  • RE: Update the result of an inner join query

    Try this:


    UPDATE tbFactuLineas

    SET NoTarjeta = '10000000000000500213'

    FROM tbfactucabecera

    INNER JOIN tbfactulineas

    ON tbfactucabecera.nocliente=tbfactulineas.nocliente

    AND tbfactucabecera.noOrden=tbfactulineas.noorden

    WHERE tbfactucabecera.statusFactura='G'

    AND tbfactulineas.nocliente=2000

    AND tbfactulineas.noemple='123456'

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 110 total)