Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 81 total)

  • RE: UK Cultures

    Coffee in the morning, tea (hot with milk) in the afternoon! Oh, and doughnuts are not a breakfast food in England.:D

  • RE: sql dba 2005

    Are you asking how to clear the emp_id column?

    If you are, can you not just update the whole table to emp_id = NULL


    UPDATE employee

    SET emp_id = NULL

    (I am assuming...

  • RE: Hunting Developers


    Good article, and very topical for me.

    I have recently started in a new company, and have been amazed at the atmosphere! It is silent about 95% of the time....

  • RE: Extract stored proc script

    Rummaging about in the other forums, I found this solution, posted by GilaMonster (thanks Gail).

    It works perfectly

    USE Scratch


    Select name, definition

    FROM Test.sys.sql_modules sm inner join Test.sys.objects o on sm.object_id = o.object_id


  • RE: Extract stored proc script

    [font="Arial"]Sorry if I'm being a numpty, but do you mean something like this (although, not exactly this, as it doesn't work!):

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(4000)

    SET @sql = sp_helptext 'AddRecord'

    EXECUTE Scratch.dbo.sp_executesql @sql

    How do...

  • RE: sysprocesses - reindexing


    Thanks for your reply. I need to check for both 2005 and 2000 databases. So should I chack for "Alter Index" and "DBCC reindex"?

  • RE: Generic BCP script

    I am trying t output the query to a text file

  • RE: Generic BCP script

    thank you all for your help. I have been working on a generic script, and trying to incorporate the suggestions given, but I think I am getting in a...

  • RE: Generic BCP script


    Sorry I wan't clear. I want a script to build a SELECT statement, which I can then pass to a bcp command.

  • RE: Variables



    I assume that you are setting the  variables from theoutput of your sql task?  You need to set the Reultname to the ordinal number of the result returned (0 would be column...

  • RE: Passing parameter

    I  had a similar problem with a query to sql server via an OLE db connection.  The query wouldn't parse.

    however, if I clicked the "Build query" button, and then ran...

  • RE: CTE question - nned to always show level 1 parent


    thanks for your reply.

    I was looking for something like this:

    Object             topLevelParent    Level

    -------            ---------------  ------

    PropertyGroup                   Null        0

    Property              PropertyGroup       1

    PropertyDetails     PropertyGroup       2

    Region                              Null        0

    County                          Region       1

    Town                             Region      2




  • RE: Execute SQL task parameters not in the WHERE clause


    I am getting the same error message when I try to run an Execute SQL task containing the following:

    SELECT * FROM dbo.ft_GetParentTableInfo (?,?)

    Does this mean that we cannot use functions...

  • RE: Interviewing

    Having just completed a round of interviewing, I would add:


    Listen to the question.  The first question we asked on chap was to “BRIEFLY SUMMARISE...

  • RE: Use parameters with Execute SQL task

    Hello Kath

    I experienced similar problems when trying to do this.  In the end I resorted to a stored proc, and passing the parameters seemed to work just fine.




Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 81 total)