Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 168 total)

  • RE: how do i make it delete the old backups when using database main. wizard?


    Instead of using maintenance plan, create a Backup device and also a job

    for backup. This way you always having one physical file whose logical name

    is your backup device name.


  • RE: email query results

    This is how you can resolve your problem

    declare @body1 varchar(100)

    set @body1 = 'Welcome..'

    select top 1 @body1=@body1 + char(10) + au_lname  from pubs..authors

    select @body1

    select top 1 @body1=@body1 + char(10) + au_fname ...

  • RE: Error Log File--Strange Problem


    It will be better if you provide more detailed info. here

    you  are talking of Sql server Error Log and size 0  is the problem with current log file or Archived log...

  • RE: Column names in each table must be unique error

    In stored Proc why you need to select temp. variable and then allias that.

    Are this variable @PB, @Term ..  input parameters to SP ?

    If so then also it is hard to find any good reason for...

  • RE: table help

    Here you need to take note of one additional Information.

    If table is populated with Rows then

    Add Constraint is not going to change the null data

    values from the previously populated rows.






  • RE: Sql Server Job

    can you please provide more specific information on this problem.            [Error number /complete error message]

    If its Sql 2000  and dynamic memeory settings are in place then there is no question...

  • RE: Memory Problem


    If you are using sql server 2000 standard edition then

    memory max is 2 GB. only 2 GB of your 8 GB will be of use for sql server.

    Dynamic memory...

  • RE: My application was too slow!!!!!

    Hi RJR'us

    This is not SQl question , but question out of curiosity

    What are the bases for title here Grashooper,Veteran, SSC ertifiable etc.



  • RE: sp_attach_db problem

    EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname= 'yourdatabasename',

    @filename1 = N'MSSQL\Data\yourdatabasename_data.mdf'




  • RE: Table Locking Informations????


    In Query Analyzer, enter  code to reveal query causing the blocking lock:

    DBCC INPUTBUFFER (<spid&gt

    other option is to use the Profiler, begin a trace, duplicate the...

  • RE: Suggestions?

    There is a Risk of loosing log data associated with

    Detach--Delete Log -- Attach Datafile approach.

    Think, once you Attach mdf and have fresh ldf

    before next full db backup if...

  • RE: Suggestions?

    Hi Parag,

    I have some suggestions to your questions

    a) What is inside this Production_Log file


  • RE: SQL DBA Position in Colorado Springs


    Have you received any response from Asha ?


  • RE: Deadlock


    This problem is due to parallel query execution, blocking resources.

    I have gone through this and recommend you to find the query.

    In my case it was one Stored Proc. where I have...

  • RE: Deleted Merge Replication

    I don't have exact solution to your problem at this point of time,

    will probably come out solution but for while can suggest you to refer 

    or articles by Alexender chigrik in database...

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 168 total)