Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 119 total)

  • RE: SQL Identity

    That's not a problem.

    When you create the table, or add a column, you can specify the start value and increment of the identity column

    CREATE TABLE TestTable

       (Col1  int  IDENTITY(100, 2)


  • RE: Need to move a database in replication

    As far as I know, a database can not be easily moved without removing replication.  Neither detaching the database nor backing up, dropping, and restoring with move will work.

    Perhaps you...

  • RE: USE database statement using a variable to specify the database name???

    It seems like you want to execute this query aginast several databases.  Is this the case?

    Assuming so, you have a few options:

    1.  Use a WHILE loop or a cursor to...

  • RE: error with deleting records its urgent

    Your database design has a foreign key between the table voucher_header and another table, likely named customers.  Voucher_header a child table and has a cust_no that references the Customer table.


  • RE: How can we store results of Dynamic Queries in variables?

    To get output information from dynamic SQL queries, use sp_executesql instead of EXEC to actually execute your queries.  The technique is to write your output to a variable which is...

  • RE: How to select from database passed as param without dynamic sql?

    If you truly need to pass in the db name as a parameter, the only way I know how is to use dynamic sql, either with EXEC or sp_executesql.

    Can you tell...

  • RE: Stats on Replication Performance


    Check out Microsoft's white paper entitled:  "Transactional Replication Performance Tuning and Optimization" .  It's got best practices for replication performance and some case studies (being published in 2001,  it's a bit...

  • RE: Deletes take forever

    Are there foreign keys that reference this table?  Deletes have to check each child table to ensure that foreign key relationships are maintained (by restricting or cascading the delete).   I...

  • RE: one can recover an old version of storeprocedure ?

    No, unless you've got a backup with the version you want to recover.

    Scott Thornburg

    Volt Information Sciences

  • RE: Partitioned view on tables with text field

    Yes, it is possible. I have such a partitioned view with a text field in production with no problems.

    Assuming that you did not explictly indicate DISTINCT in the sql defining the view,...

  • RE: table returning udf join

    SQL 2000 does not allow the syntax:

    select  A.columns, B.columns

    from    TableA as A

      join  dbo.MyFunction(TableA.ID) as Bon ...

    However, you will be able to get this in SQL 2005...

  • RE: SQL Trace results


    Any ad hoc query that is cached will give a Cache Insert and Cache Hit events, and apparently assigns an object id in doing so.  For example, set up a session...

  • RE: Either Easy or Tough Join

    I'm not fully sure what you are intending with the FLD = '0' piece.  Do you only want to update those rows if there is a row in TableB that...

  • RE: When does a null not equal a null?


    As your subject heading suggested, the problem is with nulls and equality.  With standard defaults for SQL SERVER (ANSI_NULLS on) it is neither true that null = null or that...

  • RE: Combing row results into a new column?

    The standard answer to this type of question is that this is something best done in the client, not at the SQL Server level.  

    But in cases where you can't...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 119 total)