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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 484 total)

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    If you use NOLOCK in the first one, the form is filled with uncommitted data, however if this is edited and sent back to the database you are commiting data...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    The other aspect is that you are paying for articles. Which indicates some element of professionalism. I think the 1 day review would be good, just as a yes/no option....

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance


    In the following situation where would you use NOLOCK?

    1. application reads customer data to populate a form
    2. application saves customer data changed by a user in the form
    3. A batch process looks for...
  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    I do appreciate that what I said was somewhat harse and that was for a purpose. I should have added that if the writer is unsure about a topic then...

  • RE: The Effect of NOLOCK on Performance

    My view is that if you are not familiar with a subject you should not write articles on it.

    NOLOCK uses less IO because it reads a different data structure...

  • RE: Large Object Data

    Point taken. The 80 rows was due to that being the almost maximum that could fit on one page, so the bookmark lookup would only need to read 1 page...

  • RE: Using OpenXML

    If you are interested in using OPENXML I strongly suggest that you get hold of a copy of SQL Server XML Distilled. Why you may ask, well I wrote...

  • RE: The Dodgy GO Statement

    A couple of points, just to confirm that GO isn't TSQL but a terminator used by DMO and SMO to parse batches of SQL. Whats more with SQLCMD you can put...

  • RE: Cursor newbie -- fetch next / prior

    Numerous ways you can do this either, SQL Mag had a article describing the different techniques.

    One is a cursor (pseudo code)

    Cursor is select batchname, creationdate, xfretime ORDER BY creation date

    fetch from...

  • RE: sql injection articles

    Not that I am aware of

  • RE: Allow only CREATE INDEX on certain tables.

    Sorry to be dumb. So your adminstrator uses the same application to administer the app as the users do. If not why can't the indexes by created outside of the...

  • RE: sql injection articles

    Try this to drop the table the user enters

    ';drop table table1;print'

    exec someProc @param1='';drop table table1;print''

  • RE: Expression Interpretation

    Definitely wouldn't do it in TSQL, absolute nightmare, no arrays, no easy looping contructs, no string comparison from a fixed point. Try in VB probably not as hard. lots of...

  • RE: User Defined Function Returning a Table

    Its not going to be possible. If you need to return a table from a function you must be using it in a query where you must now the structure...

  • RE: Changing a UDTs length

    Most rdbms tools allow you to reverse engineer and change udts/domains and produce a change script. Erwin for one, Powerdesigner is another. I assume you need to maintain the data....

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 484 total)