Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 152 total)

  • RE: Industry Experience... Required?

    Adrian - always good to hear from a new voice.

    I'll jump on board with the 'nice to have' group. There's nothing wrong with hoping that a new hire can...

  • RE: The December 2008 Energy Update

    Thanks for the update, Steve.

    One random thought: You've all no doubt noticed that oil prices are way down. In northern New Jersey where I live, we actually have a station...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: That ain't a Database, it's a Spreadsheet

    I once worked for a consulting company (national level, but not one of the biggest) that contracted to replace an older system with SQL Server. The development DBA was, shall...

  • RE: Go Open

    For open source projects the driving force is not money but instead two things : 1. a product that the developers can use themselves and 2. pride in a product...

  • RE: Go Open

    I think that the problem goes all the way down to philosophical principles. On a high level, it's capitalism vs more socialistic views of the world. Are you better off...

  • RE: The Security of You

    I think Steve's best point is the one about trusting systems too much. The more 'infallible' a system, the more unready we are whenever it does happen to fail.

    Can you...

  • RE: Creative SPAM

    I'm not sure about clever, but insidious pops up a lot.

    My favorite for that list are the subject lines starting with "RE: Your request" or something else indicating that I...

  • RE: Testing Service Pack 3

    Every company has a name and a theme. You know, Burger King has its famous name and then says "Have it your way". Microsoft's current theme is “Where do you...

  • RE: Happy Halloween 2008!

    This is a discussion site: Isn't someone supposed to disagree?

    OK. I volunteer. Hmmmmm...

    Got it - Halloween is a holiday that promotes candy which promotes tooth decay. Children all over America...

  • RE: The October 2008 Energy Update

    How did we get on gun control? No, I'm not asking for someone to point out the quote.

    Of course, we have had some recent suggestions on this forum that bringing...

  • RE: The October 2008 Energy Update

    Like Steve, I'm not the biggest fan of Mr. Pickens, but I appreciate that he at least has a plan to get us started.

    Energy is both a security and...

  • RE: The Financial Crisis

    I'm afraid my crystal ball is dim on this one. I'd like to think that we'll pull out of this given a few years. I think the most important thing...

  • RE: Moving to the Heartland

    When I moved from Philadelphia to the New York metropolitan area a few years ago, the thing that stood out to me the most was the cost of property. A...

  • RE: Data Farming

    These are some fascinating ideas.

    Two thoughts:

    1) Although it may be hard in "first world" countries to fake an identity nowadays, there are many countries where the record keeping is not...

  • RE: Project Management Management

    Like many aspects of the computer field, project management is evolving. There are a lot of tools and methodologies, not all of which work for all situations. The bigger the...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 152 total)