Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 346 total)

  • RE: dba with local admin privs

    SOX will be ok as long as there is a seperation of dba from developer role. DBA don't develop and developer don't have access to production server.


  • RE: How to backup SQL 2000 Master db from the command line?

    at the command prompt type:

    isql -SserverName -E -Q"backup database master to Disk = 'D:\backup\master.Bak' With Init "


  • RE: dba with local admin privs

    DBA need to have the ability to view the system as a whole. DBA often need to install SQL Server or service pack on those server as well. ...

  • RE: need some examples for rollback processes when upgrade fails

    My approach, I don't do upgrade!

    Get a new server and install your new 2005 on the new server. If the install failed, well your old server is up and...

  • RE: XP_cmdshell error.


    Have you thought that maybe it is best to leave out the proxy account and start making the job run as sa? The user will be notify if their...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Profiler Column Filter

    It depends on how the application is set up... HostName might only show the application server that is hitting sql server.


  • RE: Change Of Server Name

    sometimes msdb could be hardhead... I sometimes have to manually update one of the table systasks? to say the new name instead of local.


  • RE: Server Crashed

    By the way you should also do dbcc and another full backup once you are online.


  • RE: Server Crashed

    There are 2 things you could do at the same time.

    Copy mdf and ldf and restoring the old backup file to the new server.

    install SQL Server - to your current...

  • RE: Change Of Server Name

    The new name will take effect after you stop and restart your server! Did you forgot that part?


  • RE: Linked Server

    Did you verify that your password is correct?

  • RE: Linked Server

    I think you should try retyping your password again. To confirm if you got your password right, try using sqlcmd or connect to enterprise studio using the login and...

  • RE: Up or Down?

    I think 2008 will be a bit better then 2007 even if the economy is not doing so good.

    As far as $ is concern, you just need to be confident...

  • RE: Historical Dollars

    I never reveal my salary history in the initial interviewing process, or application process. It seems to hurt me more then help. I usually said let's wait to...

  • RE: XML Workshop XVI - Shaping the XML results


    Thanks for putting that article out for us to read. I have a question. I am able see the result, but somehow my result are incomplete ie... it...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 346 total)