Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 46 through 51 (of 51 total)

  • RE: Foreign Key Problem

    Thanks Guys.

    My question was more on "how to avoid it" rather than "how to fix it"

    I knew, that without handling the reference we cant delete the main table's row.

    If you...

  • RE: Foreign Key Problem

    simply i can say, that i am expecting a message like

    "procedure X would fail as u didnt specify delete rule in your new FK reference"

  • RE: Foreign Key Problem


    My Question in more detail:

    -------------------- Task 1 ----------------------


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tEmployee]( [empNo] [int] NOT NULL, [empName] [varchar](50) NULL,


    --Stored Procedure 'X'

    DELETE FROM [dbo].[tEmployee] WHERE...

  • RE: How to Start SSAS window Service

    And Importantly, my error went once i selected the

    option "Allow Service to interact with Desktop" from "Log On" tab of SSAS window Service's property window.

  • RE: How to Start SSAS window Service



    As you doubt, it seems i did not installed the necessary components.

    I tried installing those. Now, i could see the SSAS service.

    Also, i could deploy.

    Thanks Again Steve.

  • RE: How to Start SSAS window Service

    if i am not wrong,

    though i am not sure whether i selected the SSAS components,

    how can i work with SSAS in BIDS, it should have been installed, correct?.

    i could create...

Viewing 6 posts - 46 through 51 (of 51 total)