Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: QOD 03/10/03

    This is me, the "unfortunate DBA"

    I just ran into this exact situation and it led to a liscense evaluation of ALL programs throuout our network.

  • RE: SQL not starting

    they are set for automatic. I tried to reboot and they wont start I also tried to start them manually and that doesn't work. What do you mean by "What...

  • RE: SQL CALs

    So, I can purchase SQL Server without a PROC

  • RE: UPDATE Query problem

    Thank you.

    I could not figure out how to return the data length.



    thanks again.

  • RE: UPDATE Query problem

    this is for a text field. the 3rd argument needs to represent a multiple length string and up untill this point I thought % would do this.


    SUBSTRING(FIELD,3,%) 'should return the...

  • RE: SELECT short date

    but char(8) will not work if I'm using a mm/dd/yyyy format.

  • RE: SELECT short date

    Sorry, I didn't realize what the DATEDIFF was for. Thank you.

  • RE: SELECT short date

    Perhaps I was not clear, let me post the code.

    CREATE VIEW dbo.vwImport


    SELECT dbo.tblSHOrderItems.dteShipped, dbo.tblSHOrderItems.txtInvNum, dbo.tblSHOrderItems.txtSuffix, dbo.tblSHOrdHead.txtCustomerPO,


  • RE: invalid column name

    ok, how do i avoid the ERROR:

    "divide by zero error encountered"

  • RE: Date calculations

    GREAT! it works

    final code:

    Avg(DATEDIFF(day,[dteprinted],[dtereceived])) AS AvgLead

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)