Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 4,066 through 4,079 (of 4,079 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedures Reconsidered

    I come back from vacation and this thread is still going strong!

    I have something to say about the "scalability" argument that's been raised by those who argue against stored...

  • RE: Basic question on update statement


    Think of it this way, the actual value of a database column does not change until it is written back to the database. This is done a...

  • RE: Stored Procedures Reconsidered

    Can we all agree that mindless ANYTHING is silly? Fun maybe, but still silly 😉

  • RE: Stored Procedures Reconsidered

    This has been a fun read 😀 Here's my two cent's worth.

    SQL isn't a religion, but it is a speciality. DB access is not inherently...

  • RE: this query takes 1 hr for execution!!

    Folks... I apologize. I typed my example above off the top of my head and it is full of GLARING inconsistencies.... this is not my day to...

  • RE: this query takes 1 hr for execution!!

    If you absolutely must make it a view, you can create a table to hold parameters and include a join to the parms table in your view. ...

  • RE: Count Business Days

    If you prepopulate a "calendar" table with your weekend days and holidays, you can also do a simple query as shown in the following example. Please note...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 16 Jul 2004

    Lynn, I apologize for not addressing you by name. I'm such a forum newbie that I wasn't even paying attention to your name instead of your ranking. ...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 16 Jul 2004


    You omitted the following, which would also work. 😉

    select @Result = @intVal1/(1.00 * @intVal2)


    select @Result = (@intVal1* 1.00)/@intVal2

    You can either always remember to use...

  • RE: Combine selects to one row.

    I shouldn't write code for you, but I'm still having my morning coffee and this is a good warmup. Here is an example using a table variable....

  • RE: Combine selects to one row.

    Mr. Moden is of course right. Once you have an id (sequential integers), you can left join the table (t1) to itself (t2) on = ...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 16 Jul 2004

    You see this a lot when working with data that has been stored as integers in tables. You can use CAST or CONVERT in your expressions...

  • RE: Usage of Functions in Stored Procedures

    My own rule of thumb is to avoid functions that contain queries. Yes, they make for easy reading, but it's far too likely that they will get...

  • RE: The March Car Update

    I was glad to see you qualify your preference for electric-only by recognizing that it only moves the pollution problem to the power grid. If we continue...

Viewing 14 posts - 4,066 through 4,079 (of 4,079 total)