Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 496 total)

  • RE: inserting cte table into temp table?

    Or you could create the temp table outside the proc, before calling the proc.



    -- Proc refers to a temp table that...

  • RE: inserting cte table into temp table?

    -- a normal temp table does not work



    SELECT 'Test' AS Col1, 'Row' AS Col2

    INTO #TEST ;


    -- now run the proc


    -- and...

  • RE: Help with Pivot (or Unpivot)

    Just to be complete, the actual solution is as follows (slightly different from Mark's solution)

    SELECT t.[AGE],ca.[Rate],ca.[Amount]

    FROM [dbo].[Sheet1$] t

    CROSS APPLY (VALUES(2.00,[2#00%]),(2.25, [2#25%]), (2.50, [2#50%]),(2.75, [2#75%]), (3.00, [3#00%]),(3.25, [3#25%]), (3.50, [3#50%]),(3.75, [3#75%]))...

  • RE: Help with Pivot (or Unpivot)

    Many thanks. I knew there must be a simple solution. 😀

    * Note to self: Must learn about CROSS APPLY *

  • RE: SSMS closes without warning during query run

    Sean Pearce (9/20/2013)

    Try the following code and watch the memory usage for SSMS in task manager. Make sure you have saved all your work 😉

    WHILE 1=1


    PRINT '(1 row(s) affected)';


    What the...

  • RE: SSMS closes without warning during query run

    Sean Pearce (9/20/2013)

    Try the following code and watch the memory usage for SSMS in task manager. Make sure you have saved all your work 😉

    WHILE 1=1


    PRINT '(1 row(s) affected)';


    What the...

  • RE: SSMS closes without warning during query run

    I haven't had this behaviour with SSMS but I have had it with Visual Studio and the XAML applications I'm working on and IE10 - but only on this new...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Execution Error Message

    You want help because your code does not function the way you expect it.

    We can help but we have to understand your code.

    All we can do is , if we...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Execution Error Message

    If I run this


    @PCN_Key AS INT = '',

    @CostSetKey AS INT = '1609',

    @Part_Type_MP AS VARCHAR(100),

    @Part_No AS VARCHAR(100) = '',

    @Cost_Date AS VARCHAR(20),

    @Building_No_MP AS VARCHAR(1000)='',


  • RE: Stored Procedure Execution Error Message

    There are some oddities in the code - but this could be a cutnpaste issue

    you are setting some INTs to string values

    @PCN_Key AS INT = '',

    @CostSetKey AS INT =...

  • RE: Finding 2nd and 4th Saturdays of Current Year


    SELECT @StartDate = DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year,0,GETDATE()), 0);

    -- This clause is just to get some numbers: a Tally table, for joining to get a range of dates

    WITH NumDays AS (...

  • RE: Trace - data quantity of query results

    Thanks, I have been using out of date reference book, where column number only goes up to 44, looks like loads more have been added since.

    Have found the latest...

  • RE: Single Index on multiple tables?

    Unfortunately its a complex alphanumeric, not an integer sequence

    I was a bit reticent to try indexed views because last time I did that I disappeared down a rabbit hole,...

  • RE: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server.

    What fixed this was connecting to SqlExpress in Visual Studio, Server Explorer - creating a new data connection.

    This re-created the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data\SQLEXPRESS directory - with default copies of...

  • RE: Cross-database query in SQLEXPRESS

    Thanks Gail,

    For some strange reason in SSMS the dbname was [C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website1\App_Data\ASPNETDB.mdf] I renamed it to ASPNETDB - now the cross database query works.

    So I guess I don't have to...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 496 total)