Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 7,471 through 7,485 (of 7,488 total)

  • RE: Transactions

    dmoldovan (3/20/2009)

    kevin.l.williams (3/20/2009)

    I am not sure but I think that since there is no index or key defined on the table the select statement will cause a table scan and...

  • RE: Transactions

    Chris Harshman (3/19/2009)

    Ben Leighton (3/19/2009)

    this question is flawed...

    if the SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT is set to on for the database you are using then the query will return 1 and 2...


  • RE: Being More Productive

    I guess what's improved my efficiency is remote access technology: the internet,VPNs ,VPDNs, remote desktop. VOIP. Without some of these I would have real problems with systems on...

  • RE: Pruning

    I'm very much in the clean up camp. I have an inviolable rule that the only access applications have to the databases is to stored procedures, so that I don't...

  • RE: SQL 2008 Indexes

    noeld (2/3/2009)

    Actually I have had the need for this feature for a long time.

    Suppose you need to prevent changes on ONE table while you are doing some maintenance work...

  • RE: Object Names

    Somewhat incomplete answer: an important part of the sp is the option to raise or not raise an error if the sysname parameter is invalid. (unless that has changed in...

  • RE: UNION error

    J (11/6/2008)

    Sorry - you were wrong

    No. YOU ARE wrong.

    It does not matter if there are duplicates or not, because the question specifically mentioned that there were no duplicates.

    So "UNION ALL"...


    For SQL 2000 (and the question explicitly includes "before SQL 2005") there is no way of specifying ignore_dup_key for a primary key. Any attempt to specify "with ignore_dup_key" in...

  • RE: Go go go?

    It threw me. I assumed SSMS would behave the same way as isqlw so gave the wrong answer. I'm inclined to consider the SMSS behaviour a bug, as making...

  • RE: Predict output

    Piotr Rodak (11/22/2008)

    The Hash Match operator that is used when option (hash union) is used apparently sorts data anyway, just NULLs are added to the end of the output.


    The hash...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    TheSQLGuru (1/6/2009)

    .... here is a quickie example. as the number of rows (or joins) goes up it gets much worse


    This example may be rather misleading, depending on...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    Matt Whitfield (1/6/2009)

    Sorry Jeff - wasn't clear in what I said. What I meant to say is that I don't know a way that you can create a non-unique clustered...

  • RE: Tables referenced by a stored proc (2000)

    David McKinney (1/2/2009)

    ANY SOLUTION based on sysdepends isn't going to work.

    The obvious solution based on sysdepends - running alterproc for the SP with no changes before using sysdepends - works...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    TheSQLGuru (1/2/2009)

    1) Tom, can you or anyone else give an example of UPDATEs that cannot be done without using the FROM clause that can be done with it's use?

    2) I...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    Jeff Moden (1/1/2009)

    npfitzner (1/1/2009)

    Tom.Thomson (1/1/2009)

    He wants to remove the From clause from the Update statement? Seriously?

    No - I think that's what the 😉 was for.


    Yes! ...

Viewing 15 posts - 7,471 through 7,485 (of 7,488 total)