Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)

  • RE: many stored procedures vs 1

    Its always good practice to differentiate your objects, so it won't affect your functionality. In this case instead of writing IF ELSE you can also create a Dynamic query which...

  • RE: Executing a batch query from a procedure

    Yes, you can using xp_cmdshell and OSQL / sqlcmd. If xp_cmdshell is disable you can configure it using sp_configure /from SAC.

  • RE: Index strcture

    Thanks alot to all of you!

  • RE: Job fails

    While specifying th Four naming part its a good habit to specify them with square backets ...

    [Server Name].[Database Name].[Schema].[Table Name]

  • RE: How to create a server level role in 2005

    You also required to set the DENY permissions on all stored procedures which will prevent modifying stored procedure ( if stored procedure definition is viewable to user ).

  • RE: Restore Database

    You can kill all the processess using that database, can check this by using sys.processess system table.

    Is it the development server or test server ?

  • RE: How to Pivot a table

    Using PIVOT operator. Check MSDN for more help.

  • RE: Misunderstanding SQL Server concepts

    Schema is the data model that defies the set of objects like Sales schema grouops the sales related objects like Sales.SalesSummary, Sales.SalesDetails, Sales.SalesComminion. HR schema groups the HR related objects...

  • RE: error getting data from excel

    Check whether excel you are importing have sheet as wrksheet name.

  • RE: Utilising Schemas

    Its true Schemas differentiates the objects it wont affect your process unless you make changes in your application for stored procedure belongs to schema. E.g. If you are specfiying usp......

  • RE: Need to ecexute the order of SPs to be executed using scripts

    There is no need to sequence the stored procedures. When you create the stored procedure using osql and dependant stored procedure is not available then you will get the waring...

  • RE: Help needed...

    O-SQL is the command line utility which allows you to connect any sql sever instance locally or on netwrk and perform T-SQL operation within it. It means O-SQL supports T-SQL...

  • RE: How to create primary key for this table?

    looking at the structure can u tell, how much is the Selectivity of the columns? Search work on which columns?

    Does MailNo and InterestID both are unique in table?

  • RE: Datafile.MDF out of space

    Could you tell us what is the data file size of your database.

  • RE: Index strcture

    Hi Gail, here's the information you required..

    Are there any foreign keys? Yes, On ChildTable for ParentCol with ParentTable

    How are you going to be querying those tables? The table contains daily...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)