Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)

  • RE: Help required in query.

    Yes I want to count each item in each order and assign serial number to each item.

  • RE: Help required in query.

    Create table Script is as under:

    Create table OrdersDetails(OrderNo varchar(30),ItemNo Varchar(20),ItemName Varchar(50))

    insert script is as under:

    Insert into OrdersDetails (OrderNo,ItemNo,ItemName) Values('12231','1','sdfasfasd')

    Insert into OrdersDetails (OrderNo,ItemNo,ItemName) Values('12231','2','sdfasfasdas2')

    Insert into OrdersDetails (OrderNo,ItemNo,ItemName) Values('12231','1','sdfasfasd')

    Insert into OrdersDetails (OrderNo,ItemNo,ItemName)...

  • RE: How to Split a string into two columns

    The enterd data i.e. posted is in Hindi language i.e. local language in India.

  • RE: how to write query

    I got the solution

    Use Replicate function

    SELECT '200000'

    SELECT REPLICATE('0',7)+'200000'

  • RE: High Memory consuming by Database

    Because it effects the execution of other applications

  • RE: Write query for Suond like search

    this is working for Amita and Ankita but not working for Amita and Anita

  • RE: How to made phonotic search in SQL

    i have checked in my System and server hindi font support has been install. Can you suggest me some thing else for phonetic search. How can I make search on...

  • RE: Sql Query

    Write function as


    @string varchar(255)


    RETURNS varchar(255) AS


    RETURN upper(left(@string, 1)) + right(@string, len(@string) - 1)


    and then write query as


    InitCap(Left(Status, CHARINDEX('.', user_name,...

  • RE: How merge the result set of two select statement into two columns in single result set?


    This query is work's for me but only the case where number of result set in both select statement are same but in my case issue is that number...

  • RE: How write query to get following result


    Thank you for your help.. and I am littele bit Close to result.

    I needed all records from left table

    so my query is like:







    bilaspur_ssp..bilaspurssp BI

    left JOIN



    BI.ApplicantName like N'%'+S.name_local+'%'


    S.addr_careof_local like N'%'+rtrim(ltrim(isnull(BI.HusbandsName,'')+ISNULL(BI.FathersName,'')))+'%'


  • RE: Database MDF File Size Issue

    Thanx to every on Problem has been resolve by database file srinking.

  • RE: Database MDF File Size Issue

    will you please explain it

  • RE: sql query needed

    Try this

    Select convert(varchar(20),Column1)+' '+ Column2 [ColumnName]

  • RE: How to protect my Database.

    I don't have access of customer's pc I have to hand over CD of the software to the client.

  • RE: How to Write Select Statement?

    I got Solution


    Case when datename (dw, getdate())='Monday' then Monday else

    case when datename (dw, getdate())='Tuesday' then Tuesday else

    case when datename (dw, getdate())='Wednesday' then Wednesday else

    case when...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)