Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)

  • RE: Date Calculation

    HI Lynn

    I really appreciate your help in giving perfect solution. It works excellent.

    Actually i am quite new to SQL, and don’t know how to use row number() function.

    And i made...

  • RE: Date Calculation

    I updated the code now it looks ok...


    MeterReading---------- ReadingDate

    0 ---------- '2003-06-13 00:00:00.000'

    70 ---------- '2003-11-12 00:00:00.000'

    162 ---------- '2004-05-25 00:00:00.000'

    239 ---------- '2004-11-03 00:00:00.000'

    365 ---------- '2005-05-24 00:00:00.000'


  • RE: Date Calculation

    Sorry jeff

    i typed correctly and checked with the preview but it came odd format.

  • RE: Date Calculation


    MeterReading---------- ReadingDate ...

  • RE: Date Calculation

    HI Jeff

    I really thankful to you.

    I will send you now.

  • RE: Date Calculation

    HI Jeff

    Thanks for your time.

    Actually what i am looking is row caculation between dates(Date type is DATETIME).

    Any help would be Appreciated .

  • RE: Date Calculation

    Here is the data in my table





    My user asked no of days between readings.

    Here is the sample ouput i want

    Reading No Of...

  • RE: Date Calculation


    The data has been stored as INT type for example 11/11/09 means 20091111

    So i converted

    to Reading_date using this statement.

    CONVERT(DATETIME,CAST(ReadingDate_Key AS VARCHAR(12)),112) AS ReadingDate.

    Plaese let me know if...

  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql

    Thanks for your help.

    i will work it out...

  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql


    If i want to use SSIS,What is the method for that?

  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql


    Thanks for your help.

    select *

    into test

    from openrowset('msdasql', 'driver={microsoft dbase driver (RubbishDays2008_Property.dbf)};dbq=c:\', 'select * from filename')

    I am getting following error..

    Msg 7403, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The OLE DB provider...

  • RE: Displaying Date from month and year

    Thanks Steve..

    It works perfectly..awesome

    this is final code..

    cast( trn.TGJTYR as char(4)) + RTRIM(cast( trn.TGJTPD as char(2)))+ '01'

  • RE: Displaying Date from month and year

    multiple fields,

    i tried your solution but its giving inaccurate results like this



    select year+period+'01'

    result: 2014

    i wnat like this 20040900

  • RE: spliting the data using replace function

    Thanks jeff

    i will do ,,

  • RE: spliting the data using replace function

    Hi Jeff

    I solved my problem by using temp table concept.

    sorry for giving trouble....

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)