Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)

  • RE: SSAS Calculation Problem

    What is supplying the weight for Categories and SubCategories? Is it possible to define these in such a way that the weight per Product is 1 -- making them all...

  • RE: MDX query for MarketShare Calculation

    Part of the answer involves using the Root() function. You can get the correct percentage by using value at the Root() as the denominator.

    The second part of your query is...

  • RE: How to ORDER BY calculated/computed field ?

    You could use a derived table in the From clause:

    With SQLPaging



    SELECT pk, field_C

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field_C) as rowNum

    From (

    SELECT pk, field_A +...

  • RE: Identity_column

    Which version is giving you an error message?

    It executes fine in 2008. I tried because my recollection was that the comma does not cause a problem and hasn't for several...

  • RE: Identity_column

    The syntax is forgiving about the extra comma. I tried it and was able to create the table per the script.

    Seems this has come up in the course of...

  • RE: nvarchar

    My reasoning was the items held in the datatype were of the National Character Set, so National Character varying was a better answer. Even though the abbreviation would suggest National...

  • RE: Identity Insert

    I came across the Insert Default Values when I taught a SQL class, many years back. It was an odd way to start a chapter on data modification...

  • RE: Inserting data to a table with Identity column

    How about moving the data into a temporary table without an identity column. Adding records to the temporary table, such that there are no gaps in the identities, and the...

  • RE: Updating Multiple Rows

    This statement:

    Select @loc = zip FROM Locations

    Will only return one record -- in reality indeterminate but usually the last one.

    It looks like if you remove the restriction @loc =

  • RE: Use a JOIN or a WHERE statement? What's the Difference?

    There is a slight difference in that the Where clause is evaluated after the Joins have happened. So there are cases where the old syntax was much more difficult to...

  • RE: A better method for default set?

    Try this, it seems to get slightly better performance than your query. If your table isn't going to be any bigger than this, don't spend too much time optimizing it.

    Select *

    From #CP...

  • RE: Help regarding query

    Your query needs to include a source of all months. This can take several forms, but should be something that will reliably give you all the dates that you need.


Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)