Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: A Case FOR Cursors...

    It is interesting to see cursors compared to GOTO statements, as both are bad primarily because they make it easy to be a lazy programmer, instead of encouraging better habits....

  • RE: Your Tools

    I paid for my own TechNet once, very early in my career; but otherwise, I've been lucky that employers have usually bought me any software tool I can justify.

    But outside...

  • RE: Starting a New Job

    This all brings up the question of copyright of work. If done on company time then they will claim it, however, it is a generic script then there is the...

  • RE: Starting a New Job

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (2/12/2015)

    Brian J. Parker (2/12/2015)

    Gosh, I'd be surprised if any DBA or database developer did NOT have a folder full of T-SQL scripts they carried from...

  • RE: Starting a New Job

    Gosh, I'd be surprised if any DBA or database developer did NOT have a folder full of T-SQL scripts they carried from job to job. Common metadata queries, a few...

  • RE: Custom SSMS

    A few changes and tools, but the indispensable one I'd recommend to almost everybody: make Ctrl+F1 sp_helptext. (Tools > Customize, "Keyboard")

    I appreciate this thread because I knew about and use...

  • RE: Custom SSMS

    A few changes and tools, but the indispensable one I'd recommend to almost everybody: make Ctrl+F1 sp_helptext. (Tools > Customize, "Keyboard")

    I appreciate this thread because I knew about and use...

  • RE: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    Eric M Russell (1/21/2015)

    For those of us in IT, I'm not sure if we need Big Brother standing up for us on the playground; we can vote for better working...

  • RE: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/21/2015)

    Brian J. Parker (1/21/2015)

    ... you just need legislation that helps rather than meddles and creates unnecessary bureaucracy, a topic that can quickly spiral out of...

  • RE: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    This particular law may or may not help, but arguably legislation can make a difference. A culture of 40 hour weeks would have seemed like a blessing once (not to...

  • RE: Date Calendar

    lduvall (10/31/2014)

    This script is very helpful and it's close to what I need but not quite. I need the week# and month# to be built off the startdate parameter.

    So, my...

  • RE: Format decimal value to fraction using a tally table.

    I had the same problem. Besides a large enough tally table, I think you need to change "Number BETWEEN 2 AND 200" to "Number BETWEEN 2 AND 1000" for three-digit...

  • RE: Using Seqence Container instead of Identity

    This is a feature added in SQL Server 2012; that might be the problem for pawel.sowka.

  • RE: Script Login Differences

    Thank you for sharing this! I created a T-SQL improvement to sp_help_revlogin to do several of these things, but not all of them. It's incredibly useful and I'm surprised Microsoft's...

  • RE: Generate row constructors for existing data

    Thank you for sharing this! Perhaps I misunderstand intent, but if you are trying to move small amounts of data, may I suggest my script to generate INSERT statements (with...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)