Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 106 through 109 (of 109 total)

  • RE: Logins and permissions- reporting

    You can take hlp of the extended stored procedure sp_table_privileges.

    May be this will you.

    Relationships are like Banks.You Invest the Principal and then get the Interest.

  • RE: Logins in ASP advice sought...

    What I feel is you can atleast do the following

    1)Create a SQL Server account.This Account should having restrictive privileges i.e. appropriate rights like read and write on appropriate database...

  • RE: Anyone point me in the right direction?

    What you need to do is create a store procedure which accepts a date as parameter.

    Then using a where clause filter out the records for this date.

    Then use the group...

  • RE: Help on query needed

    Try something like this, The only problem is that we will get 2 recordset wjere the no data is returned for the date passed..

    select productid,orderdate from invoices where orderdate=@orderdate and...

Viewing 4 posts - 106 through 109 (of 109 total)