Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 781 through 789 (of 789 total)

  • RE: Predict output

    Without the ORDER BY clause, you can not predict the order of rows.

    NULL, 1 and 1, NULL are both possible.

    In the future release of sqlserver or in another DBMS, the...

  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    brewmanz (10/13/2008)


    It always is correct WITH THIS SET OF DATA. Try adding a couple of zero(e)s at the end of each of the 3 numbers and watch "Msg 8115, Level...

  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    Main rule is never to use float, because of unwanted effetcs:

    Here the version with decimal. It always is correct.

    DECLARE @SumA float, @SumB float

    DECLARE @MyFloat1 float, @MyFloat2 float, @MyFloat3 float

    DECLARE @MyTable...

  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    That's true:

    DECLARE @SumA float, @SumB float

    DECLARE @MyFloat1 float, @MyFloat2 float, @MyFloat3 float

    DECLARE @MyTable table


    ID int primary key identity,

    NumA float,

    NumB float


    SET @MyFloat1 = 10000000000020000

    SET @MyFloat2 = -10000000000010000

    SET @MyFloat3 = 1


  • RE: Select from stored procedure

    Good idea! But just for few rows result set. Else it takes too long to run if put the result set in join with another table.

  • RE: Things You Didn't Know About Temp Tables and Table Variables

    Another thing never said: when creating temp table is better adding the "collate" to char/varchar/text etc. cause of different collate in tempdb e the current db.:w00t:

  • RE: Query

    I couldn't believe that someone need to use "datename(m,join_date) like '%a%'" to extract rows of Jan, Feb, March, April, May, Aug. :w00t:

  • RE: Updated SQL Injection

    Double single quota!

  • RE: Conditional Statements in WHERE Clauses

    In this case, I prefer dynamic sql and add only conditions I need. Performance are granted more than complex and useless conditions. 🙂

Viewing 9 posts - 781 through 789 (of 789 total)