Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 33 total)

  • RE: The SQLCLR Impact

    We use function made in VB.NET for write file from T-SQL directly to disk, usualy XML. 🙂


  • RE: IsAlphaNumeric

    You are true Nigel, thanks :-).

    Here is now simple function:

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[IsAlphaNumeric](

    @input varchar(100))

    RETURNS bit



    DECLARE @isAN bit

    SET @isAN= 0 --non numeric

    IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @input) = 0 BEGIN

    SET @isAN = 1 --numeric


    RETURN @isAN


    Or just test...

  • RE: IsAlphaNumeric

    I expected function like that. Is string numeric or not.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IsAlphaNumeric](

    @input varchar(100))

    RETURNS bit



    DECLARE @i int, @max-2 int, @C varchar(1)

    DECLARE @isAN bit

    SET @max-2 =...

  • RE: What SQL Server Books Do You Recommend

    Definitely recommend this book (Defensive Database Programming) to anyone. I think that book is for begginers and for professionals :-). Also I recommend a set of seven "The Best...

  • RE: Import XML into SQL table shema

    Sorry LutzM, I didn't look well. I see now that problem with attribute "name" is already solved.

    Thanks for your solution 🙂


  • RE: Import XML into SQL table shema

    You right LutzM.

    Today I will try to implement your solution and later I will modify all existing imports. I think is much better. No nead to distribute "sqlxml.msi" to...

  • RE: Import XML into SQL table shema

    Thanks to respond, but I think you don't understand me.

    I need to make XSD shema mapping file to import XML data to SQL Table. I use VB.

    I already made mapping...

  • RE: Introduction to ADO - The Command Object

    One question:

    I always use CommandType=adCmdText and CommandText=mySQL.

    MySQL is T-SQL statement or for execution stored procedures EXEC myStoredProc 'cParam1', nParam2, 'dParam3'.


    If I don't need return data. 


    strSQL="EXEC myStoredProc '" & Param1...

  • RE: A Special Announcement from Andy, Brian, and Steve

    This site is the best site on the internet and I hope that will be in the future too. ReedGate is a good company.

    Andy, Brian and Steve I wish you the...

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    Sorry for delay, I was to busy.

    I look regional settings of the account under witch the SQL server is running and I found source for my problem

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    Script work fine.  

    My problem is solved.

    But question why XP_CMDSHELL "DIR..." return date in wrong format still exist!?!?

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    Michael, very nice solutions. I will try it.

    Will, my backup jobs delete files older then X days. My backup enable tree types of...

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    Sergiy, I agree with you but I use MSDE 2000 on local machine is no server there, just one machine with MSDE. When I see problem with date the first...

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    No, I can't write function becouse in SQL server date format is OK, so I newer know what format DIR function return, is '10.12.2006' october or december.

  • RE: Problem with XP_CMDSHELL ''''DIR .....''''

    No, nothing help.

    I need universal solutions, becouse I newer know what format user use on PC. Problem is in string. If I write a function which control the date string I newer...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 33 total)