Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 181 through 192 (of 192 total)

  • RE: Three Rules for Database Development

    Jeff Moden (9/16/2012)

    "Find someone that actually knows how to design databases correctly and then follow their rules."

    That will be a real world implementation of Steve's rules then...

  • RE: Stack Ranking

    I remember a manager said to me once.

    "I don't like you're questions they're too difficult"

    man that was disappointing and revealing.

  • RE: A Really Good Job

    Smart kilt Steve.

  • RE: Stack Ranking

    Well doesn't seem to be working for MS so far.

    They'll probably say still needs more time.

  • RE: Stack Ranking

    thadeushuck (7/20/2012)

    I worked in a stack & rank system as a manager and it is frustrating. My team of DBA's did manage to break the curve quite frequently. I would...

  • RE: Stack Ranking

    Not convinced about this.

    Probably only needed if the Manager needs to manage people in disciplines they know nothing about.

    If you know your subject you can quickly figure out what someone...

  • RE: Programmers v Salespeople


    In an ideal world yes they would.

    Too often a developer in a non developer organisation will be totally undervalued. It is likely he will have different qualifications and knowledge from...

  • RE: Programmers v Salespeople

    I heard an experiment the other day about peoples attitudes towards good wine.

    Test subjects were put in an MRI and given wine.

    Some were told the wine was cheap rubbish while...

  • RE: All I want for Christmas

    A couple of Christmas's ago I got a wind up torch. Its really smart and a nice piece of simplifying kit.

    Never needs batteries.

  • RE: Thinking Time

    Totally agree - avoid meetings generally I prefer to tackle problems one to one with people as they arise.

    The temptation is that all the problems are stored up and released...

  • RE: Lessons Learned Pay Off

    brightbillconsulting (6/6/2011)

    One conclusion was firm for all people. Everyone needed regular continuing education throughout their careers to stay current. The purpose of my job was to prepare and conduct regular...

  • RE: Lessons Learned Pay Off

    Nigel Ainscoe-432538 (6/4/2011)

    And in this new connected, social world I think reputation is a lot more transparent than it once was and counts for a lot more than it it...

Viewing 12 posts - 181 through 192 (of 192 total)