Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 65 total)

  • RE: Strange Stored PRocedure Problem


    I knew it had to be something silly.....and it was. I hadn't marked my parameter as type output in my .Net code and as a result...

  • RE: Strange Stored PRocedure Problem

    I'm accessing SQL through Visual Studio so I don't have access to Profiler.

  • RE: Strange Stored PRocedure Problem

    The one that works is:

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdRevision


    @RowCount int = 0 output,

    @Error int = 0 output,

    @LastModified datetime output,

    @CheckModified datetime,

    @RevisionID int,

    @DocumentID int,

    @RevNo int,

    @Description int,

    @EffectiveDate DateTime,

    @LastReviewedDate DateTime,

    @RevisedBy varchar(50),

    @MasterAddress varchar(100),

    @PDFAddress varchar(100)



    SET @LastModified = GetDate()


  • RE: Strange Stored PRocedure Problem


    Thanks for the reply. Yes, the update works without the LastModified = @CheckModified. But it wont work even when I copy the LastModified value (inc. hours. mins and...

  • RE: Importing From Excel Not Using DTS


    I haven't tried it yet but the Help for BULK COPY looks like it will work. The file doesn't need to be on the same server...

  • RE: Importing From Excel Not Using DTS


    Yes, me too. The server is on a different machine.

    Any other ideas?

  • RE: Importing From Excel Not Using DTS

    Hi Kenneth,

    Sorry for all of the silly questions, but how do I run bcp? (I tried from command line and "not recognised" both in VS command line and Dos)...

  • RE: Importing From Excel Not Using DTS

    Hi Kenneth,

    It's a one-off so could you give me a bit more detail on how I would do Option No 1.



  • RE: Lock Question (Yawn!)


    The reason it has to be this way is that the SeqNo is used in a number that runs per month i.e. 05-OCT-213 where 213 is the...

  • RE: Unique Constraint Problem

    You're spot on Kenneth!! That worked. I've no idea why VS does that either!

    Thanks again.


  • RE: Store pdf etc in Image Column

    Hi John,

    That looks perfect. I don't know why I couldn't find this myself: I spent about an hour looking for something useful yesterday and couldn't find anything.

    Thanks again.


  • RE: How to capture errors in Stored Procedures

    Somebody posted this link as an answer to my question on error handling in Stored Procedures a while ago:

  • RE: The Basics of Cryptology

    Nice article.

    An excellent book on the whole subject is "The Code Book" by Simon Singh ISBN: 0385495323. (I think he also presented a four-part miniseries on Channel4 UK on the...

  • RE: Transaction/ Lock Question

    Just one last question!!

    When using Phil's solution, I need to return the Max value to my code. Is there any way to assign the Max value to an output parameter...

  • RE: Transaction/ Lock Question

    Thanks guys,

    Phil's method works. It seems much more sensible that putting a lock on the table. Thanks for the lock info as well.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 65 total)