Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 280 total)

  • RE: can we get this guy banned from the forums?????

    Edit: Duplicate post removed, I blame my phone 🙂

  • RE: can we get this guy banned from the forums?????

    Oh god, not another bunfight. My last post started a row between two MVPs.

    The reason I haven't dreamt up anything properly evil is because my company isn't paying market rate...

  • RE: can we get this guy banned from the forums?????

    Hear hear!

    We're all guilty of asking idiotic questions from time to time but not to know the basic fundamentals of your job, then lying about it on CVs? Too...

  • RE: why is the database Full .BAK file size decreased from previous week?

    Has DBCC SHRINKDATABASE been run since? Or any DELETEs from the database? Has the tx log shrunk? Various reasons for this, it's normal tbh.

    It must be nice to...

  • RE: Set based iteration

    Lynn - 4 seconds on my ageing kit - thanks very much!

    Howard - was not knocking your effort (would be a bit rich considering my approach wasn't set based!) but...

  • RE: Set based iteration

    Mike - I corrected the WITH to ;WITH and it ran beautifully - 28 seconds. Many thanks.

    Lynn - trying yours now 🙂 The more practice I get with...

  • RE: Set based iteration


    Here's the example code I ran:

    CREATE TABLE numbers ( N INT)

    DECLARE @loopCounter INT -- yes, I know 🙂

    SET @loopCounter = 1

    WHILE @loopCounter < 10001


    INSERT INTO numbers...

  • RE: Set based iteration

    Howard, your approach is good but populates the table with only the first database name returned by SELECT name FROM sys.databases. It produces all the rows, but they are...

  • RE: Set based iteration

    Thanks both, I'll read the tally tables article and give both solutions a try.

  • RE: Query Help

    Another approach would be bcp and export to a .csv file, then use the CDO functionality available in VBScript (put in a batch file envelope) to handle the e-mail.

    I have...

  • RE: restore database is ok?

    The point-and-click method for doing this is to set up a Maintenance Plan in SQL Server Management Studio. Open the tree view under Management until you see Maintenance Plans....

  • RE: Use Tools

    I agree with the points in this editorial, there's a lot of resistance from some jaded IT staff about improving their processes and tools, in case they 'do themselves out...

  • RE: Do I have any other options?

    If latency is an issue have you tried extending the timeout period of the mirroring setup? ALTER DATABASE <mydb> SET PARTNER TIMEOUT <int>. Max int value can be...

  • RE: Transactions 2

    Good question, caught me out! As one of the other posters said, I was railroaded by BEGIN TRANSACTION - thought the entire batch would be rolled back - apparently...

  • RE: Open Event Viewer from SQL Server

    Sorry for the delay in replying, I've just tested the command I posted and I get the same problem as you - the query hangs.

    Should have mentioned I had to...

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 280 total)