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Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 280 total)

  • RE: Terms in plain English .... please

    A link I'd advise reading from TechNet:

    Summary: SQL Server 2005 implemented the concept of a database object schema. A schema is a distinct namespace to facilitate the separation, management, and...

  • RE: Terms in plain English .... please

    No, you've got the point of them - but a couple of notes.

    I would steer clear of using the word 'master' since it may be confused with the 'master' database,...

  • RE: BULK INSERT failing.

    I think it's got to be something to do with accounts. Maybe grant the SQL Server accounts explicit permissions on the network share. In terms of the XP...

  • RE: BULK INSERT failing.

    Hi Jamie

    I faced a similar situation not too long ago trying to do the exact same thing. I don't have a verifiable link but from experience, I've found SQL...

  • RE: Terms in plain English .... please


    I think those are very good points, and I agree that for the beginner, SQL Server database administration can be a nightmare. However, for definitions of those terms, you...

  • RE: Basic Create Foreign Key Issue

    I believe you may be creating a FK on itself, BId could be ambiguous.

    Also ensure B.BID has an associated primary key constraint.

    You can use NOCHECK to skip constraint checking...



  • RE: Install SSRS question

    You should install the correct edition of the software, especially in an enterprise environment.

    Ignoring software T&Cs (and even sources!) might be considered okay at home (cough, cough) but absolutely not...

  • RE: Foreign key on an IDENTITY column

    The problem is resolved now, whatever it was. I ran them in the right order so not sure why it borked. There isn't a complete script - just...

  • RE: Foreign key on an IDENTITY column

    I've just done that John and it's working fine. I'm totally bemused by this. Really strange behaviour. Thanks for your help!

  • RE: Foreign key on an IDENTITY column

    Yes, definitely there. I created the table and can actively query it. It's using the dbo schema, I've tried substituting dbo.statementHistory with no luck.

  • RE: Tempdb grow

    Further to this, use perfmon and the LogicalDisk: % free space counter as well. If this happens daily you should be able to see a clear spike or upward...

  • RE: Administer SQL 2008 R2 through the Internet

    One more thing, if you are concerned about security and protecting against data loss/theft have you thought about implementing transparent data encryption?

    This would protect against wholesale data loss...

  • RE: Administer SQL 2008 R2 through the Internet

    Opening port 1433 would leave you susceptible to the Slammer virus if any of your sa passwords were short, clear or NULL. (I trust they're not!) I've not heard...

  • RE: Adding Data from Excel file to SQL server

    Assuming you wanted to edit / delete the data using SQL Server Management Studio or at the command line, rather than using an application, you would use the UPDATE or...

  • RE: Administer SQL 2008 R2 through the Internet

    Surely local installation of SSMS (client tools) configured to connect to your server at port 1433 (assuming this is opened and TCP/IP connections allowed remotely on server) would do the...

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 280 total)