Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 184 total)

  • RE: Grouping/Partitioning data

    This output is correct because package 120000 has only code associated with it. The other packages have 2 or more different codes. The output is required to be the packages...

  • RE: partition data part 2

    After a lunch break a managaed to get the necessary output with the following query



    ,MAX(B.[Broker]) OVER (PARTITION BY td.Package) AS [Broker]






    FROM #TradeDetail td

    LEFT JOIN #Broker b

    ON B.[Broker] =...

  • RE: Convert multiple rows to 1 row

    many thanks for that. Have been staring at the screen all day.

  • RE: partition data


    I actually managed to get the result with this query 😛



    ,MAX(B.[Broker]) OVER (PARTITION BY td.Package) AS [Broker]




    FROM #TradeDetail td

    LEFT JOIN #Broker b

    ON B.[Broker] = td.[Broker]

    WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #Portfolio...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    Hey managed to get the query to run much faster. Like 2 or 3 seconds.

    Following the ideas of creating summary tables, I basically added an extra ssis package to...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre


    I have actually taken the [prv].[sp_TradeDetail] out from the stored proc and added it as part of the processing of the facts and dimension. The output is then loaded...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre


    got dragged into a meeting yesterday. the latest query execution plan is attached.

    I have currently built an aggregation table which is refreshed after our facts and dimensions are...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    Hi Lynn,

    Query time was exatly the same. The variables were used originally because the query initally suffered from parameter sniffing. However I ran it a few days ago...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre


    CREATE PROCEDURE [prv].[sp_TradeAggregate_Equity]

    @ReportView varchar(12) = 'Order'

    , @TradeDataType char(8) = '' -- Default current date

    , @Broker varchar(120) = 'ALL'

    , @InstrumentType varchar(120) = 'ALL' -- Default all

    , @TraderRegion char(3) = 'ALL' -- Default...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    I have included a copy of the execution plan for the stored procedure.

    Can someone show me how to do the multiple pivot synatx and I will give that a go.


  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    I have opted to create a summary/aggregate table that will store the aggregated fact data. Then I will run the cross tab query of that data. Any advice if this...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    I have converted TradeDateKey to smalldatetime to get rid of all the converts and that has brought some improvement. It now runs in 1.30 - 2mins

    I ran the first...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre


    these are the correct scripts for my dimension tables

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DimPortfolio](

    [PortfolioKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [UPI] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,

    [OfficialName] [varchar](120) NOT NULL,

    [ISIN] [char](12) NOT NULL,

    [MF_Code] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,

    [SC_Code] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,


  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    indeed that is right. I cannot do anything from home but i will chase this up tomorrow. I have a feeling i have posted the wrong version of the stored...

  • RE: Slow Running Stored Proceudre

    Apologies for the late response. i had a delay on my train home. I will try and fill in the blanks.

    With regard to the TradeDateKey it is an INT. user...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 184 total)