Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,196 through 3,210 (of 3,220 total)

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    thierry.vandurme (11/13/2009)

    Gary, I did'nt say EVERYTHING ends up in IL. The .NET languages end up producing IL...

    That is not my point. My point is that you said that as both...

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    thierry.vandurme (11/13/2009)And with .NET its all IL in the end, being C#, VB.NET, ...

    No. That is like saying it is all x86 machine code so C, Pascal, LISP and anything...

  • RE: Is C# Better?

    Originally, the VB.NET team tried to make it have all the equivalent features of C#. In my opinion this was losing the power of the differences of use. It was...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    Tony, I believe you are correct. I have already highlighted that they have answered the question if it referred to Sea Miles not Nautical Miles.

    Hey-ho. I guess we will remember...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    Isn't this just another example of how the RDBMS model can, not always should, be applied to different problem domains.

    Welcome aboard Dan. As you can see from Steve's response, whilst...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    The question is relevant to many people working with SQL Server. If that does not apply to you then you can ignore the question.

    There is no relevance in the topographical...

  • RE: View Errors in the Default Trace

    A brief description of what is being achieved here would be really handy for anyone uncertain what this is trying to do. I think I know but it isn't the...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    I agree with Steve.

    As primarily a developer (not database developer, a C# code monkey if you will) I need to learn a lot about SQL Server. I have a reasonable...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    Dale Turley (11/11/2009)


    There are some really useless and pointless questions on here sometimes... but this takes the biscuit!!

    ...classic seafaring food, biscuits.

    But seriously, the spatial questions tend to be. Some of...

  • RE: Latitude, Longitude and the nautical Mile

    Of course the answer to the question "What is a Sea Mile...".

    It has been a long time since the two were seen as equivalent, if they ever truly were.

  • RE: A Bad Litmus Test

    So we agree 🙂

    How on earth did we get this far thinking otherwise?

    I take your point now that it is a complete farce that some of the people mentioned are...

  • RE: Is Unit Testing Important?

    My current contract is to resolve the Technical Debt. I guess thay can place a figure on it.

  • RE: Is Unit Testing Important?

    Steve Jones - Editor (11/10/2009)

    I was stirring the pot a little, just to see how many people might agree. good to see most don't.

    You put up a photo with a...

  • RE: Is Unit Testing Important?

    skjoldtc (11/10/2009)

    First, what is techncial debt? I hadn't heard that term before.

    Second, I was unit testing before what I was doing was called unit testing. It only makes sense to...

  • RE: Is Unit Testing Important?

    As a developer, of course my focus will be on testing when compared to performance. However, I would back this up by the numerous times when, given the option, the...

Viewing 15 posts - 3,196 through 3,210 (of 3,220 total)