Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 262 total)

  • RE: Backup and Recovery

    But of course question is misleading (as well as explanations).

    It reminds me a very old joke:

    Answer ONLY YES OR NO!!!

    Where have you been yesterday from 8 to 9 pm?

    (Correct answer...


    looked at both values:

    select current_timestamp, getdate()

    2008-12-09 10:56:40.477 2008-12-09 10:56:40.477

    Didn't notice any difference... According to BOL current_timestamp is an equivalent of getdate().

    The only difference is that current_timestamp is a part of...

  • RE: Inconsisteny in clustered Drive?

    1. An empty formatted drive should show less than maximum capacity since formatting itself occupies some space. The space occupied depends on the size of your HDD.

    2. When moving your...

  • RE: XML Parsing Issue

    -- Import the file into an XML variable

    declare @xmlimportdata xml

    SELECT @xmlimportdata = xmldata



    SELECT *

    FROM ...

  • RE: XML Parsing Issue

    And the version of the SQL server is ...?

    And files are located where... (filesystem, stored in DB)?

  • RE: Function that finds Sundays

    But then again, which Sunday does the OP want?

    Sorry, good question. The next Sunday

  • RE: Function that finds Sundays

    Also, on my server here at work, the above returns tomorrow (Saturday), not a Sunday.

    You have to check what are the settings on your server?

    select @@datefirst

    I believe default is 7...

  • RE: Function that finds Sundays

    Given 2008-11-19 which Sunday do you want, 2008-11-16 or 2008-11-23

    Lynn, I hope this is not a question addressed to me? I am not providing interpreter's services 🙂

    I just provided a...

  • RE: Function that finds Sundays

    select getdate() + 7 - Datepart(dw, getdate())

  • RE: Need Role to Manage Jobs

    Search BOL for SQLAgentOperator Role.

  • RE: ETL Job Scheduling Exclusions

    Create a job1 with no associated schedule (your ETL package run).

    Create a job2 which is running every Sunday.

    Job2 consists of 2 steps.

    Step1 - T-SQL - calculate Sunday's dates for current...

  • RE: Versioning the stored procedure

    Thank you, Steve.

    Interesting article.

    I am using ApexSQL Diff in conjunction with VSS ...

  • RE: Versioning the stored procedure

    ... we use SQL compare from RedGate to produce the scripts that we check into subversion.

    Sorry for bringing an initial question to a slightly different direction, but would you please...

  • RE: Versioning the stored procedure


    Are you sure? I was under imression that Subversion does not have a direct integration with SQL server...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 262 total)