Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 91 through 97 (of 97 total)

  • RE: Find columns with no data

    Hi all,

    yes, scanning trough all views is an excess of work, and it could be expensive in the case of views with some hard calculation. And, as Scott points, run...

  • RE: Find columns with no data


    in the same way as Scott I tried to do it with a cursor for all tables, try this code:


    INTO #A

    FROM information_schema.columns


  • RE: Find Missing Timecard records


    I suppose this code could be the code you want,

    SELECT * FROM timekeep

    LEFT JOIN timecard

    ON timekeep.empID = timecard.empID AND timeField BETWEEN @beginDate AND @endDate

    WHERE timecard.empID IS NULL



  • RE: Character type number convert

    Hi all,

    sampathsoft, I suppose that in your desired order 1.2.3 is placed before 1.2.10, right?.

    If you want to manage a tree structure you need to know what is the parent...

  • RE: I really need some recommendations for this query


    seeing your SQL instruction hi have some ideas, lets me explain:

    In a generic way you should try to simplify your query and test it. So you should test each part...

  • RE: t-sql first last day date of the month


    if you want to take off hours, minutes and seconds, getting only the "date" part of the calculated date, add this line of code:

    SET @R =...

  • RE: Package configuration, error when SSIS tries to load unneeded variables

    Hello again,

    a colleague suggested me a workaround. I can use a generic configuration file for all the project packages, and then add a specific config file for access to specific...

Viewing 7 posts - 91 through 97 (of 97 total)