Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

  • RE: Are You a Ten?

    There is a problem out there where I think the intelligent people who pursue a solution has been turned over to the people who are interested in making money.


  • RE: Collective Intelligence

    I think once people get over the hurdles of...themselves... it makes so many more things possible. Once you know you don't know everything the next step is to learn what...

  • RE: Are We Not Testing Enough?

    Doh... I remember a silly interview question (and one used on a algebra test as extra credit.) "What is Captain James T. Kirk's middle name?" This was before the recent...

  • RE: Are We Not Testing Enough?

    Dan.Humphries (7/2/2010)


    If you where a box of crayons what color would you be and why?


    I'd be green and yellow of course because crayola makes some nice boxes, but if...

  • RE: Are We Not Testing Enough?

    I was a developer then became a DBA. When I was looking for my last job I had an opportunity to interview for a entry level Java job (I only...

  • RE: Cursors Be Gone!

    There's a funny thing about absolutes "there is 'always' a better alternative to using [cursors]", they're rarely absolute.

    I tend to use the @table route as much as I can,...

  • RE: Formatting and Readability

    READABILITY is a must. I can't stand coming in behind someone else and trying to figure out where the end of a statement is or if they've got useless SQL...

  • RE: Query to see what components or features are installed

    That's where I was at last just never got it ironed out...looked like a good prospect.

  • RE: Query to see what components or features are installed


    sys.configurations does have some really good stuff in it but not what I was originally looking for. I'm trying to find somehting more like being able to query if...

  • RE: Company Rewards

    I've only been in IT for 3 yr.s now and the most I've got in cash bonuses is a $25 gift card on my birthday (well... a month after).


  • RE: Burnout

    Irony...the picture attached to the article is a motorcycle doing a burn out. The purpose for the burn out is to heat the tires up so they're softer and able...

  • RE: I'm from the government and I'm here to help

    You got to remember, mgr.s know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to look smarter than their boss. 😀

  • RE: What's a Toaster?

    Nope flash drives gets us automatic termination. I've got a test box off network that I get to use...just not as much.

  • RE: What's a Toaster?

    True. But they do security scans here and they're not the most friendly when they find unauthorized software on the machine.

  • RE: What's a Toaster?

    As a side note...the toaster I'd choose is #6 of course she's beautiful, but interestingly complex. Though the old chrome Cylons were pretty cool too.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)