Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 130 total)

  • RE: Difference between varchar(max) and varchar(8000)

    DAMN!!!...I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT PORK CHOP HAS TO DO WITH SQL. and it is alright that Microsoft Certified Master MVP be wrong once awhile, just like Microsoft once was...

  • RE: Adding missing column to another table

    For the OP solution this seems one of those times it would actually be ok to use select *. The very challenge is due to changes in the source table...

  • RE: Adding missing column to another table

    Alright guy,my bad! I didnt intend to use "select * into" anyway, I was lazy typing so just threw out a quick post that caused someone hair stands...

  • RE: Adding missing column to another table

    I just thought of a solution after posting:

    --dump existing data from target table into a temp table

    select * INTO #TempTable from TargetTable;

    --drop the TargetTable

    drop targetTable;

    --recreate TargetTable with additional fields from...

  • RE: Storing Files greater than 8000 bytes

    tina_cpc (10/31/2012)


    Is there task which will be capable of uploading/storing a file in a database which can be greater than 8000 bytes?



    If it is the first time you think of...

  • RE: Do not wait for Query to completed

    Jeff Moden (10/30/2012)

    haiao2000 (10/29/2012)

    Jeff Moden (10/28/2012)

    This can be done pretty easily. Create an SQL Server job to run the proc and have the app kick the job off.

    Saying I...

  • RE: Do not wait for Query to completed

    Eric M Russell (10/29/2012)

    Instead of calling the job explicitly, you could have a job that runs every five minutes or so, polls a table to see if any works needs...

  • RE: Do not wait for Query to completed

    Jeff Moden (10/28/2012)

    This can be done pretty easily. Create an SQL Server job to run the proc and have the app kick the job off.

    Saying I have a SQL...

  • RE: Do not wait for Query to completed

    Jeff Moden (10/28/2012)

    This can be done pretty easily. Create an SQL Server job to run the proc and have the app kick the job off.

    I thought about this too....

  • RE: query table with dynamic table name is it possible?

    Got You! I have been using sp_executeSql, Just want to see if there is a way that I dont know of.


    GSquared (10/25/2012)

    Nope. SQL doesn't work that way.


  • RE: Stored Procedures - Less parameters = More or less cost?

    it sounds like the exact oposite is true (again it depends) but take the examples below

    method #1

    create procedure SP1

    @p1 int

    ,@p2 int

    ,@p3 int

    ,@p4 int


    select * from SomeTable

    where p1=@p1...

  • RE: design database

    Sean Lange (10/22/2012)

    harri.reddy (10/22/2012)


    they gave me some tables(approx 9) tables and field that they want to fecth only those field.

    they all r master do i need to make table...

  • RE: Find sub-tree nodes


    Thank you for all the hard works on this. I hope I would have let you know this in advance so you didnt waste your time on this. I have...

  • RE: Query Help

    Luis Cazares (10/17/2012)

    Please test the solution, I might have made a mistake.

    declare @Temp table(state varchar(50),county varchar(50), city varchar(50),Action varchar(50), ActDateTime DateTime)

    insert into @Temp(State,County,City,Action, ActDateTime)

    select 'Texas','Harris','Houston','Census Taken','11/12/2010 00:00:00' Union...

  • RE: Query Help

    Oh well here is one of the solution. If you have a faster solution, I would love to know it


    declare @Temp table(state varchar(50),county varchar(50), city varchar(50),Action varchar(50), ActDateTime...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 130 total)