Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)

  • RE: Designing a Dashboard - Level 6 in the Stairway to Reporting Services

    So far so good, but now I have a problem with the Dashboard. I do not get the expandable groups. They are all expanded without the +/– control...

  • RE: Designing a Dashboard - Level 6 in the Stairway to Reporting Services


    I got the same thing, but then I read carefully. She says to use "AdventureWorksDW" not "AdventureWorksDW2008R2".

  • RE: Last 5 rows


    They are not in random order; they just have no defined order. The ANSI SQL standard says that if an ORDER BY is not specified, the server is to...

  • RE: SSIS Execution Problem

    Were getting this error, too, but for us it was for a totally different reason. Our SSIS package was stored in msdb and run from a SQL Agent job....

  • RE: Extended Properties Introduction

    This regards indexed views. Indexed views are available in standard edition. What is limited to the enterprise/developer edition with regards to indexed views is the query optimizer's use...

  • RE: Extended Properties Introduction

    This regards the use of the MS_ prefix. SQL Server Management Studio and the third party "SQL Documentation" tools I have demoed use the MS_Description as the name/property that...

  • RE: How to How to execute a concatenated query in a procedure

    Here is how to do it where you do not have the SQL injection problem and you get the plan-reuse features of sp_executesql. There is also proper semicolon usage...

  • RE: check if Row exists in the table

    Actually, after thinking a little more, I think this use of “[font="Courier New"]UNIQUE (CurrencyCode, CurrencyExponent, CurrencySign) WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON)[/font]” is a perfect match for your business rules, and it...

  • RE: check if Row exists in the table


    With both solutions above, there is the possibility of interleaved access. If not run in serializable transactions, one process could run the first query, then a second process could...

  • RE: More fun with ISNUMERIC()

    OK, I looked up an ASCII table[/url], and characters 11 & 12 are supposed to be white space type characters. How many people are finding SSMS 2008 printing the...

  • RE: More fun with ISNUMERIC()

    I got the 43 - 57 stuff, and expected some white space, but what's with 11 & 12??? Do they go with the monetary data types because some people...

  • RE: E-Mail Validator

    OK, here's the fix for ÿ:

    OR @vParameter COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN LIKE '%[{-ÿ]%'

  • RE: E-Mail Validator

    Oops, ÿ doesn't work

  • RE: E-Mail Validator


    I like your pattern matching approach. However, I was concerned about the 128 extended characters, so I suggest the last condition be modified to changed the ~ to a...

  • RE: Just SQL Auth

    Two points:

    One: The initial question was to keep ISV customers from mucking up the database and then blaming the ISV for the problems. In this case we are not...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)