Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 55,786 through 55,800 (of 55,829 total)

  • RE: How do view execute?

    >(select count(*) from myview where ...) as field1

    >(select sum(field) from my where ...) as field2

    Your last post said that you used aggregate functions for each field.  Looking at the code...

  • RE: Challenging T-SQL Requirement

    First, thank you for the table and data code...  always a pleasure to NOT have to write code just to do a test setup...

  • RE: variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.

    Your problem, I believe, is with the following section of code...




    Looks more like part of a WHERE clause... anyway, THAT's what...

  • RE: How do view execute?

    Worse than that, it's been my experience (in SQL Server 7) that a SELECT such as yours will create a separate instance of the view, in memory, for each named instance...


    Kokyan is correct... temp tables are always unique per session.  You can see the actual name of a temp table in the tree view (press f8) of Query Analyzer.  They...

  • RE: Taking parsed string and assigning variables without using a temp table

    Actually, there is!  It comes in the form of the PARSENAME command which was specifically developed to break apart the parts SQL object names "at the dots".  Since your example...

  • RE: delete from duplicate records

    Thought AH did a pretty good job!

  • RE: Rejecting rows with Bulk Insert

    In that case, Bulk Insert has a MAX ERRORS setting that works just like the BCP -m parameter.  Again, check BOL under Bulk Insert.


    No execution plan is formed for Dynamic SQL until Runtime regardless of method of execution.

  • RE: Could not allocate ancillary table for view or function resolution.

    Not sure but I think it may be the way that Crystal is using the view... I believe that it creates a different instance of the view for each instance that...


    Kokyan gave a good example of "Dynamic SQL"... just wanted to remind everyone that dynamic SQL can be quite a bit slower than "Static SQL" because it does not pre-form...

  • RE: Rejecting rows with Bulk Insert

    It's a forum, not on-line help...

    Anyway, use the -m parameter followed by the number of errors you wish to allow.  Lookup BCP,Overview in...

  • RE: Update Statement

    1. You need to assign a "table alias" to the SELECT in the FROM clause.

    2. You need to use that table alias on all column names to the right of...

  • RE: Catching error from UDF inside a SP

    Basically, @@Error only lasts for one successful line of code so by the time you get to the "SET @out_param = @@Error" chunk of code, @@Error has been reset to...

  • RE: isql output question

    Add the "-n" parameter to your command line to suppress both the prompts and the line numbering.

    Recommend you use OSQL instead.

Viewing 15 posts - 55,786 through 55,800 (of 55,829 total)