Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 120 total)

  • RE: major headaches with SP3 MSM files

    The question I have just posed is not simply for this issue I am having, but for future reference when I want to find out what updates have been posted...

  • RE: major headaches with SP3 MSM files

    When did SP3 for MSDE officially become available? It was not out when I checked last week, but was there this Monday, after the virus outbreak over the weekend....

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    but seriously, folks, this is great stuff! Thanks for your input!

    btw. I'm voting for "Feature".

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    WooHoo! We have a flaming folder!

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    Antares, you are a Sick DBA!!! I get the error (using your test case), but have no idea yet how to avoid it. I suppose you have something...

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    The great thing about my subject line is that we could talk about anything here! I think Simon does have an intersting point. ...

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    I need more posts. I'm tired of this "Starting Member" moniker. I'd like to thank Andy for spoiling my "fun". I was hoping to get some huge...

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    Simon, Cheer up old pal. It's Friday!

    And hey, Jump-Away! Up until the time that Andy got involved, you were leading the pack with ideas. ;)...

  • RE: Here's a fun one! :)

    aww come-on... Mr. SJC, you're no fun. I had intentionally left my post as open-ended as possible so as not to bias the responses I got. I...

  • RE: Row Numbers for a Select

    yeah, I figured either of those would come back as responses. I was hoping to avoid the temp table, and the size of the data would make the "double-table...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?


    the select statement in your stored procedure lists O.OMCVersion twice (col 1 & 8). If you actually need the same value twice, try aliasing the second instance...

  • RE: Worst Practice - Not Having An Archive Plan For Each Table

    This topic is one that I've had in the back of my mind for months now. We're currently mid-stream in a total rewrite of a major application that involves...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    Thank You, Greg!

    That's what I was looking for. I think you saved me a couple hours of headache there! I am surprised that this...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    still searching...

    Unfortunately, the code you included in your last post assumes that I already know the Result COLUMNS of my SP. I don't have any idea what the columns...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    Hey Greg, thanks for the reply. I looked at your SQL Server Examples page, but couldn't figure out what example were you referring to that would help out with...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 120 total)