Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: tempdb or transaction log on RAID 0+1

    Thank Karl for your response. All valuable things to consider. I agree some of the small DB's we could put both mdf and ldf on the same drive and not...

  • RE: tempdb or transaction log on RAID 0+1

    Thank you for your response. I will look to put tempdb on the raid 1 channel and the log files on the raid 0+1 channel.

    One followup question - if...

  • RE: auto grow

    Just to verify - Does the Date Time Modified only get updated when an Auto Grow takes place or when the SQL Server Service is stopped/restarted.


  • RE: SQL 7 Trans log too big. How shrinK

    I have been using the Detach/Attach method without any problems, but I always rename the LDF file rather than delete it. Once I reattach the database and verify the Attach...

  • RE: Clearing and reducing transaction Log

    In regards to detaching the database and then deleting the log file and then attaching the database again, I always rename the logfile first before reattaching. That way if there...

  • RE: Growing Log File

    Another alternative is to delete the transaction log after sucessfully detaching the database. Don't know if there is a convenient time to take the database off line, but when you...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)