Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 1,553 total)

  • RE: CASE, time-consuming or not?

    Even when you use case against a column in a table, that alone isn't at all connected to if the query will do a scan of that table or not.


  • RE: Linked Servers / distributed query / ansi_null, ansi_warnings problem

    These are settings that can be found in BOL under the topic 'SET options that affect results'.

    It's a pretty sticky subject, not that easy to wrap one's head around.

    Here's a...

  • RE: Group by ... problem

    I think you need to explain the larger context of this problem of yours.

    While you're at it, please provide some example data that demonstrates the problem, and the expected output...

  • RE: How to prevent a rollback?

    The only trick available to avoid lengthy rollbacks, is to not have lengthy transactions.

    So what you're looking for is some way of slicing up the total work into many smaller...

  • RE: Server Error in '/' Application.

    Well, the biggest difference between a domainserver and a local server (workgroup) is that all authentication is performed locally on the workgroup server.

    Check your logins and security settings (accounts etc)...

  • RE: Server Error in '/' Application.

    Is this 'shut down' part of the 'accident' or is it on purpose?

    You obviously have a network connection/authentication problem.

    In order to fix it, you need first to sort out how...

  • RE: Server Error in '/' Application.

    Umm.. well, you already know that you have accidentally removed the server from it's domain.

    Have the server join that domain again and see if that fixes things back as they...

  • RE: dbcc cmds

    Malcolm Daughtree (11/22/2007)

    All I'm trying to convey is that these commands exist to help correct something that the normal operation of SQL server hasn't done.;)

    I think you're missing the point.



    Seems like what you have in place is a sort of 'model' of how these sites works and are built.

    So far, this model has worked ok according to the business...

  • RE: Best Config For Two Disks

    I'm a bit curios as to what is going on this box?

    ie number of db's, their size, the expected usage of these, number of concurrent users etc...

    Given the apalling low...

  • RE: dbcc cmds

    Go to BOL (Books on Line) and type 'DBCC' and you'll get a nice list of all the documented DBCC commands.



    A couple of thoughts...

    The whole thing sort of gives me a chilly spine. It just doesn't feel right.

    Example: you know that an identity value alone designated as PK doesn't give...


    Well, serializable is the harshest isolation level, and it will block everyone else from the entire key-range that your query touches. In general, this is the last option, since concurrency...

  • RE: Divide by zero error encountered

    Though this way the entire expression will evaluate to NULL in the case you should try to divide by zero.

    If this isn't the desired behaviour, the null can be...

  • RE: function for TSQL : OEMtoANSI

    If you have some extended ASCII chars that have ended up in a table with the wrong conversion, you might have some luck with the COLLATION clause.

    However, this should really...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 1,553 total)