Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 1,553 total)

  • RE: Want to Calculate Business Working hours

    Ok, could you then please give an example on what this table of yours look like?

    A few rows of sample data and the expected output you need from that data.


  • RE: Is there a SQL 2000 Forum here?

    Yes, what Matt is suggesting would probably do the trick.

    Perhaps set up a job that runs this query once in the morning a half hour or so before office opens.


  • RE: Use Cluster index or do not use it.

    Very generally speaking, the consensus is that having a ci is a 'good thing'.

    So, the 'starting assumption' is then - yes, you want them.

    Naturally, as with all 'rules' there are...

  • RE: Is there a SQL 2000 Forum here?

    What you describes sounds typically as a 'cold cache'.

    The first time, no data is in the data cache, so it has to be read from disk.

    After this first time, there...

  • RE: Point in time Restore

    As a preparation for when the time comes to actually do this in a real live scenario, you may also do it without clicking away in Management Studio, but in...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Must be 🙂

    And your fine example served to demonstrate exactly what?

    How to write

    INSERT t1 (a) SELECT 'a'

    INSERT t1 (a) SELECT 'b'

    INSERT t1 (a) SELECT 'c'

    INSERT t1 (a) SELECT 'd'


  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Hmm... First there's a whole lot of flack about not being 'set oriented',

    not knowing SQL etc etc, and now you're posting something that loops

    dealing with one row at a time..?...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/30/2007)

    Kenneth Wilhelmsson (10/30/2007)

    I'll just quote it from the guys who wrote the stuff we're all using:

    Nobody is perfect.

    Oh, I totally agree. Not even you, then?

    Don't ever copy someone's words...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    I'll just quote it from the guys who wrote the stuff we're all using:

    -- quote --

    INSERT queries that use SELECT with ORDER BY to populate rows guarantees how identity values...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/29/2007)

    You did not put much thinking (actually - no thinking at all) into this.

    We did not compare INNER JOIN on my machine to OVER on Matt's one. Matt did...

  • RE: Formatting the date

    Greg Snidow (10/29/2007)

    Could someone, maybe in laymens terms, explain how you are testing these queries. This is something with which I have never been concercned because my tables are...

  • RE: Formatting the date

    vinuraj (10/29/2007)

    Thing is the Sort Order is Default then no need for ascending sort again.

    If you're referring to Matt's test script, the third test, then that is correct in that...

  • RE: Formatting the date

    vinuraj (10/29/2007)

    There is no need of Order by clause if ur default sort order is ascending.

    This is incorrect.

    If you in anyway depend on a certain sortorder, you *must* specify an...

  • RE: Formatting the date

    Jeff Moden (10/29/2007)

    Yes, really... If you want to sort dates or numbers in date or numeric order respectively, then your query is incorrect and that's what I was stating... no...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 1,553 total)