Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

  • RE: Flatten a one to many?

    Thanks Jeff and Sean. The fix Sean steered me to to (using XML PATH and STUFF in a corelated query) worked! Now I just need to pull it all apart...

  • RE: Flatten a one to many?

    I have been reading the article and am trying to apply that fix now. I thought the additional data I sent would have helped. I may be able to simplify...

  • RE: Flatten a one to many?

    Hello Sean. Apologies, I will try to clarify.

    I have a pencils table that describes the pencils.

    pkPencilId || PencilDescription || LENGTH

    1 || Yellow, w/o erase || 5”

    2 || Yellow, w/eraser || 5”

    3 || Green, w/o eraser || 6”

    Then there is a PencilLot table.

    pkLotId || flPencilId ...

  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Sorry Ajay, but I don't see any link to the article. Am I just missing it?


  • RE: Encryption basics.

    That is exactly the answer I got from my contract specialist! He said "Noting is secure - we just need to keep making it harder for them to get anything."


  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Thanks e4d4:

    What confuses me is - how likely is it that someone can get all the way into the server to create or steal a backup and NOT have access...

  • RE: Encryption basics.


    Thanks to you both for your input. Giving the database role CONTROL permission on the cert, and REFERENCE permission on the key, worked perfectly. We are good to go.

    But I'd...

  • RE: Encryption basics.


    That is exactly what I have read as well. I have built a basic proof of concept form and it works for me, but I'm DBO. Today I test with...

  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Thanks e4d4 and Perry:

    It seems that was the missing ingredient: I HAD been encrypting the cert via password. When I leave off the password I then can access the cert...

  • RE: Encryption basics.

    UGH! Enbarrased to admit that we are actually running SS2k5, NOT 2k8! i pulled the wrong version number. Management Studio tools are 2008, however. I hope posting this in this...

  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Our DBA has assigned my user account ALL permissions on the certificate, and reference permission on the symmetric key, but when I run this code:

    USE AdventureWorks;

    OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY TestSymmetricKey


  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Thanks for the reply, e4d4:

    Some further questions, if I may; if I understand correctly, to allow SQL server's Key management to work, the user would need CONTROL permission on the...

  • RE: Encryption basics.

    Okay, I DID manage to move ahead a bit, and in the process answered at least some of my questions. For starters, the certificate and symmetric keys are indeed automatically...

  • RE: Trouble using GO or other batch command.


    I am currently doing a 'gratitude project' on facebook. Just thought you should know YOU are today's gratitude!

    "Today's gratitude: database consultant Gail Shaw of Johannesburg, South Africa, for her wonderful...

  • RE: Trouble using GO or other batch command.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gila Monster, Gail, SPOT ON!

    THAT was the issue. Oh god, I feel stupid. I have been staring at this code for HOURS and never caught that. THANK YOU,...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)