Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 167 total)

  • RE: Counting Characters within a Column

    Adding to John's cool suggestion, you might want to package this into a re-usable user-defined function that you can include wherever you need.  Something like:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnStringCount (...

  • RE: max date

    Maybe I'm missing something, but won't "SELECT TOP 1 actiondatetime, actionstatus FROM #tmp ORDER BY actiondatetime DESC" do the trick?  The following yields "2005-03-03, Action 3" as the result...  Steve


  • RE: Storing Data in SQL from an ASP Form

    Just a WAG but do you maybe have to set the encoding for the FORM tag in your ASP page?  Entering "html form encoding chinese" in Google yields some info,...

  • RE: Shared ADO Connection

    To retrieve a user's domain name you can use the WNetGetUser API call

  • RE: Table Corruption

    Wow... 230+ NULL columns to me screams for some data normalization.  Pull those columns that are typically NULL out into their own tables (one or more) with the same PK...

  • RE: Julian Dates : To have or Not Best Practise ??

    I think he meant that the ability to sort dates and get date differences is built-in, not the ability to convert to Julian dates.  For what it's worth, WRT Julian...

  • RE: Julian Dates : To have or Not Best Practise ??

    I would think you'd want to store the calendar date and compute the Julian date.  I'm sure you can find a user-defined function (UDF) that'll do it.  If you wanted,...

  • RE: Using Stored procedure from VB with a UDT (User defined type) parameter

    Why use a datatype with the Command object at all?  Below is an example of how I use the Command object all the time:

    With cmd

       .ActiveConnection = myConn

       .CommandType =...

  • RE: Selecting "most recent" records

    Sweet!  Thanks PW, that seemed to do the trick.

  • RE: Selecting "most recent" records

    I forgot one important part... items may be deleted but still need to be included in the resultset.  So modifying my dataset a bit...

    AAA   Nov-04  ITEM_AAA_NAME

    AAA   Dec-04  ITEM_AAA_NAME


    BBB   Nov-04  ITEM_BBB_NAME



    CCC   Nov-04  ITEM_CCC_NAME

    CCC   Dec-04  ITEM_CCC_NAME

    February 4, 2005 at 10:05 am


  • RE: Question of the Day for 26 Jan 2005

    Pretty lousy phrased answers IMHO.  From the same site referenced... "Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table".  Sounds like "Eliminate Redundant Data" to me...

  • RE: Large XML into SQL Server

    If you can't use Java to go straight from XML into SQL Server, can you use Java to convert XML into CSV and then use BCP or bulk insert to...

  • RE: Using Word with SQL Server

    I haven't dabbled with .NET yet, but in regular old VB you could retrieve the image field using an ADO recordset, then write the contents of the image field to...

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 as a document repository

    We have created a document storage application using ASP and SQL2K.  Nothing overly robust, but it allows end-users to specify title, summary, some additional classification info, and one or more...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 22 Oct 2004

    This whole QOD section is rapidly losing credibility.  And you know what they say about losing credibility -- once it's gone, it's hard to get back.  I would hope the...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 167 total)