Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 244 total)

  • RE: Just Say No

    It's really not whether you say no, it is how you say no. Three simple rules have nearly always worked for me:

    Be honest.

    Be direct.

    Be professional.

    Doesn't matter if you're simply...

  • RE: Early Adopters

    Well said, but the one thing I found absent from the discussion was the price/feature ratio (or price/improvement if you will), particularly nowadays with Microsoft's rather byzantine licensing structure. To...

  • RE: Shrinking the Budget

    Gary Varga (11/19/2015)

    I agree with this editorials stance.

    However, anyone who took 10 ways to shrink your IT budget[/url] too seriously hasn't looked into the author much. He is an ex-actor...

  • RE: Do You Have Scary Code?

    While unit testing is definitely a skill I need to improve, there are legacy applications and code I've been dealing with for years and I have no problem messing with...

  • RE: The Work of the Ancients

    I've been working on our main production database for over five years now. It's housed on a Sql Server 2005 instance so the thing is at least 7 or...

  • RE: Have a Think

    Usually after I've finished coding some particular piece or resolving some issue, I take a walk out to our back entrance (we have a decent-sized landing near our loading docks)...

  • RE: Logging Tables

    j-1064772 (9/25/2015)

    Logging might get complicated during the execution a multi-statement in a stored procedure when the various steps are within a transaction.

    Has anyone considered the possibility of writing to a...

  • RE: A Pattern for Email Address storage and retrieval

    I'd be curious to see how this would work to search and return a range of similar addresses, say from a given domain such as all the email addresses from...

  • RE: The Counter Offer - Part 2

    I think everyone would do well to remember the old adage when dealing with this subject:

    "It's not personal, it's just business."

    I've been on both sides. There were times when...

  • RE: Who's a Good Developer?

    You're asking the wrong question.

    The question of "What makes a good developer" is highly dependent upon your industry, your work environment, methodologies and a hundred or more other factors, to...

  • RE: The History of the VCS

    A not-often-mentioned benefit of VCS is the ability to organize work. All the parts of a solution from data store to GUI can be kept in one place for...

  • RE: "send me some of your code"

    If someone wants to see my code, they can grant me an interview and we'll talk about it then. Either I use something that's mine or they can present...

  • RE: The Scientific Method

    Regardless of how good something performs in initial testing, I always try to find people who are less computer savvy to field test. They do the "stupid stuff": things...

  • RE: The Case for Upgrading

    We ran smack into this earlier this year. We've got 2005 SP4 running and went through the whole exercise of costing out a move all the way to SS2014....

  • RE: NOSQL and RDBMSs

    To consider that some of the ideas from the RDBMS world are actually pretty good and are why the technology has thrived for so long.

    It's survived and thrived so long...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 244 total)