Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 74 total)

  • RE: Rebuild or DBREINDEX

    Thanks Gail

    If I use online option, does it have any bad effect on my server?

    I know that I should just be careful about disk space.

    I want to use it...

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    I want to do the changes with minimum down time

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    We have a lot of time out in insert and select statement ,I checked the reason of this problem,I restored a test db and checked it,this table has 2 non...

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    What do you mean by "batch process"?My table is about 400G .I used bulk copy for having a test table on another server and it took me a lot of...

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    I tried without Non_Clustered and this time it took less time.

    Is there any way to have more less down time for example some thing like redefinition in Oracle that I...

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    So with server maxdop =0, the CREATE INDEX operation is being processed in parallel certainly even without MaxDop option?

    I want it to process the creation in parallel.

  • RE: Create CLUSTERED Index

    The server maxdop setting is set to 0.

    I am testing Create it at test server with MaxDop and SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON,and also as Gila said frist I will...

  • RE: error in bulk copy

    I used format file and now it is inserting.

    bcp DB.dbo.[Table] format nul -T -N -f t_n.fmt

  • RE: error in bulk copy

    A gain I have problem with bcp in.It worked for that table but when I want to try it for another table I got this error in error file:

    #@ Row...

  • RE: Size of temp db

    It is on the same disk that mdf and ldf file are located but not C (os drive)

  • RE: error in bulk copy

    Thanks a lot

    It worked 🙂

  • RE: Partitioning

    Thanks a lot for your help:-)

  • RE: Partitioning


    You mean besides that, I should check other options like indexing ,memory management,.....?

    I have another question about partitioning(sorry I am not perfect at SQL).

    I will be glad ,if you can...

  • RE: Partitioning

    Any suggestion for that?

    In my table (340G_140000000Row) Most of reports run are against the most recent one year of data.My table has a clustered index(primary key) on 2 fields ...

  • RE: Memory usage

    Thank you both for your helpful explanation.

    I will drill down into the details of memory management.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 74 total)