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Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 1,416 total)

  • Reply To: Help with OPENJSON for Google Maps API data

    You're welcome!

  • Reply To: Help with OPENJSON for Google Maps API data

    Maybe this?

    SELECT o.value AS origin_address,
    d.value AS destination_address,
    JSON_VALUE(e.value,N'$.distance.text') AS [dist_text],
    JSON_VALUE(e.value,N'$.distance.value') AS...
  • Reply To: Help with OPENJSON for Google Maps API data

    Here's a couple of queries that should help

    SELECT JSON_VALUE(@json,N'$.destination_addresses[0]') as destination_addresses,
    JSON_VALUE(@json,N'$.origin_addresses[0]') as origin_addresses;

    SELECT e.*
    FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.rows') r
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(r.value, '$.elements')...
  • Reply To: How can i get the data as below using sql

    SELECT rn,dur,21-sum(dur) over(order by rn desc) as calculated_col
    FROM sample_data
    order by rn;

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  Mark Cowne.
  • Reply To: ? on Count specific value on XML data

    Not totally clear what you want, but this gives you counts from your XML

    declare @x xml = '

    select @x.query('
    for $value in distinct-values(/Employees/Person/minor)
    let $count :=...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  Mark Cowne. Reason: Typo
  • Reply To: Array into table.

    You should be able to parse this using OPENJSON


    declare @data table(instance varchar(20),array nvarchar(max));
    insert into @data(instance,array)

    select d.instance,
    json_value(j.value, '$[0]') as...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  Mark Cowne. Reason: Simplified code
  • Reply To: SQL query to find last date a product was checked before it was installed

    This should work for you

    select j.JobNumber,j.JobType,j.ProductType,j.Date,ca.DateOfCheckBeforeInstallation,ca.CheckDoneBy
    from JobsTable j
    cross apply(select top 1 p.DateOfCheck,p.CheckDoneBy
    from ProductChecks p
    where j.JobType...
  • Reply To: Query XML

    See if this works


    SELECT N.usernode.value('@id','varchar(10)') AS id
    ,N.usernode.value('(add[@key="email"])[1]/@value', 'varchar(30)') AS email
    FROM (values (@xml)) X(xmlcol)
    CROSS APPLY X.xmlcol.nodes(N'/Users/User') AS N (usernode);
  • Reply To: Interesting bug in SQL 2016 CHOOSE

    No errors with SQL 2017 (14.0.3015.40)

  • Reply To: Sql server open json

    See if this helps

    root.[key] AS [Order]
    , resultval.[key] , resultval.[value]
    FROM OPENJSON ( @jsondata ) AS root
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON ( root.value, '$.result') AS resultval

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Mark Cowne. Reason: Simplified code
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Mark Cowne.
  • Reply To: How to get parts related to every Code by Features related ?

    Maybe this?

        select ps.*,tc2.* from #partattributes ps 
    inner join #tradecodecontrol tc on ps.FeatureKey=tc.FeatureKey
    inner join #tradecodecontrol tc2...
  • Reply To: Dynamic column names in XML

    Try this

    X.Y.value('@ID', 'INT') AS ID,
    X.Y.value('./@*[local-name()=sql:variable("@ColumnName")][1]', 'VARCHAR(10)') AS Value
    FROM @XML.nodes('/row') AS X(Y)
  • Reply To: Transpose Rows

    Maybe this, assumes a fixed number of generations


    SELECT p1.ID AS RootID, p1.PersonName AS RootName, p1.ID, p1.PersonName, p1.FemParent, p1.MaleParent,
    CAST('' AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS...
  • Reply To: find group of time

    Recursive cte method, won't be very efficient

    with cte as (
    select top 1 Date1, cast(1 as bigint) as rn
    from #temp
    order by Date1

    union all

    select t.Date1, row_number() over(order by t.Date1)...
  • Reply To: How to combine multiple rows data until next row value is not null in SQL Server

    This should work for you

    WITH CTE1 AS (

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 1,416 total)