Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 162 total)

  • RE: Retreving phone numbers based on phone type

    TY for the reply, i am trying to select phone number and phone type from these two tables based on employee id and insert into dept table

    Insert into...

  • RE: Retreving phone numbers based on phone type

    i am talking about using temp table, and by using rank function can we achieve this?

  • RE: Issue with update statement

    Example  -

    ReportID     path
    101           /DEV/Reports/DEV/Reports/FOlderName/ReportName1
    210           /DEV/Reports/DEV/Reports/FOlderName/ReportName2
    303            /DEV/Reports/DEV/Reports/FOlderName/ReportName3
    404            /DEV/Reports/DEV/Reports/FOlderName/ReportName4

    Like this i have total 70 reports that have incorrect path
    I need to update...

  • RE: How to execute dynamic sql statement

    This procedure is used for front end.
    In web page Based on the selection of Employee id's .. those id's should pass to this stored procedure.

    In the...

  • RE: stored procedure to get data form table

    select weekdes from dbo.FYear is the query

    I want this column data to be in both start and end variables?

    when i execute stored procedure same data should...

  • RE: Get Lowest value

    Its showing error -

    Parse error at line: 1, column: 28: Incorrect syntax near '='.

  • RE: how to change floor function to Round

    How to tweak this statement - using Round

    CAST((FLOOR((E.TotalAmount / COUNT(EE.ID) OVER (PARTITION BY E.ID)) * 100)) / 100 AS decimal(12,2)) AS Employee

  • RE: how to change floor function to Round

    floor will round always down so wants to modify with normal math function

    for example - 1.229 will round up to 1.23 .

  • RE: How to calculate cents for employees

    table -1 - Expenses

    ID     total Amount (decimal(26,9),null)       EmpID

    123            112.19                           84746788

    table - 2 - EmployeeExpenses

    ID             EMpID               TotalEmployees

    123           84746788             22.47
    123           89246532             22.43
    123           88456788             22.43
    123           89346788             22.43
    123           87536788            ...

  • RE: Question on providing parameter on the union query

    I am getting parse error -

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    and also the columns SELECT E.col1, E.Col2,

  • RE: Issue with OUT Param

    It got worked, TY

    Quick question -  Do I need to keep this If condtion inside the procedure or do I need to keep it after calling this procedure...

  • RE: Issue with OUT Param

    I got t But ho I can assign entire Insert script to @Count  variable ? so it returns as out.

    Alter proceudre dbo.validate


  • RE: Issue with Transactions

    dbo.Sudent Schema

    Insert into dbo.Student values
    (1, 1245678334,001)

    dboEmployee Scehma


    Insert into dbo.Employee values
    (1, NULL,NULL)


  • RE: Menaing of the select statement


Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 162 total)